Damn These Heels 2017: The Queen of Ireland

Damn These Heels 2017: The Queen of Ireland

The Queen of Ireland captures the meteoric rise of Panti Bliss (Rory O’Neill) as she became an unexpected leader in the LGBTQ community. … read more

Damn These Heels 2017: The Untamed

Damn These Heels 2017: The Untamed

Amat Escalante’s The Untamed is a film that borders on obsessed when it comes to the sexual relationships of its characters. … read more

Damn These Heels 2017: Femme Brutal

Damn These Heels 2017: Femme Brutal

Femme Brutal functions as both a venue for the performances of Club Burlesque Brutal and a stage for the performers to discuss their motivations for orchestrating these performances. … read more

Beehive Bike Polo Club @ Pioneer Park

Beehive Bike Polo Club @ Pioneer Park

Last year, Beehive Bike Polo applied for a grant from Utah’s ZAP (Zoo, Arts and Parks) program. Approved for $25,000, the Beehive Bike Polo Club awaits the finalization of the grant to claim a space, transform an existing tennis court, compile gear and start a youth bike polo club in Glendale. … read more

Damn These Heels 2017: Pushing Dead

Damn These Heels 2017: Pushing Dead

As a whole, Pushing Dead tells an important story. Cultural sensitivity for those who suffer from HIV and AIDS has taken a serious hit, and we can all relate to Don’s frustrating experience with the American healthcare system. … read more

SLUG Mag On Tap 2017

SLUG Mag On Tap 2017

On July 1, SLUG Mag On Tap gathered crowds of beer drinkers and brewers for a 100-percent Utah-brewed beer festival benefitting the Utah Brewers Guild. … read more

Review: Earning the Rockies

Review: Earning the Rockies

Framed around a cross-country trip east to west in mimicry of similar trips Kaplan took with his father, Earning the Rockies is more philosophy than narrative and more narrative than essay. … read more

BMX Photo Feature: Tim Thomson

BMX Photo Feature: Tim Thomson

Tim Thompson – Classic One-Handed Table – Tanner Park, SLC, Utah … read more

Mike Brown: Beer, Barons and Bike Culture

Mike Brown: Beer, Barons and Bike Culture

Overall, Teach, Chad and Dirt Bag all said that they are stoked on motorcycle culture in Salt Lake. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do—just get out there and ride. For them, that’s what its all about: the journey, not the destination. … read more

Beer of the Month: Femintation American Ale

Beer of the Month: Femintation American Ale

The balance here is quite nice. The robust flavors and complexity of dark/roasted malt flavors work well together. The carbonation gives the body a pleasantly smooth and somewhat slick, creamy feel. … read more