Snow Photo Feature: Spencer Shubert

Snow Photo Feature: Spencer Shubert

Spencer Shubert’s lit AF. These streets are on fire! … read more

Beer of the Month: Dangereux Farmhouse Ale

Beer of the Month: Dangereux Farmhouse Ale

Dangereux is based on the French saison approach but as a loose interpretation. Though historic style similarities are present, 2 Row undoubtedly places an appetizing twist into it using American ingredients and saison yeast. … read more

Mike Brown: Some of My Favorite SLUG Memories

Mike Brown: Some of My Favorite SLUG Memories

Happy anniversary, SLUG, and cheers to many more memories to come. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Nick Hubble

Skate Photo Feature: Nick Hubble

Not only as a skateboarder but also as someone who generally thinks outside the box, Nick Hubble is constantly looking for ways to interact with the world differently, and he acts accordingly. … read more

Nomad Eatery: Alamo of the West Side

Nomad Eatery: Alamo of the West Side

Here is described only three of 26-plus variations making up the food card presented by Nomad, and we haven’t even touched their red-brick pizza oven ($10–12) or dessert ($4–7) selections. Straightforward, fast and casual: There are way too many excellent combinations of satisfaction for one not to keep coming back. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Kamryn Feigel

Contributor Limelight: Kamryn Feigel
By ,

Since October 2013, Kamryn Feigel has delved deep into SLC’s intricate web of artists and creatives. A perceptive interviewer with a sharp writing style, she’s covered Jesse Walker’s wonderful annual Bunny Hop, as well as the many other figures, like DJ CHOiCE, who continue amping up the local electronic scene—don’t miss her Localized features this month with UTA Trax and Nate Holland (pgs. 7–8). … read more

Salt Lake Magazine’s 2018 Dining Awards

Salt Lake Magazine’s 2018 Dining Awards

Salt Lake’s food scene is booming to say the least, and there is one place in particular that has continued to recognize the talent of Utah’s best chefs and restaurateurs: Salt Lake Magazine. … read more

Review: The Red Strings Club

Review: The Red Strings Club

Red Strings Club is a game that tugs at your philosophical leanings, asking grand and granular questions that it demands you answer. But most importantly, Red Strings weaves a familiar paranoia using the root of cyberpunk: that corporations increasingly own our well-being, and, to a large extent, we’ve come to like it. … read more

Review: Dungeons and Dragons – Tomb of Annihilation

Review: Dungeons and Dragons – Tomb of Annihilation

When stacked up against Storm King’s Thunder, Tomb of Annihilation feels blessedly streamlined and adventure-focused. There are no politics to navigate, no sieges to weather—it’s just a deep dive into an unforgiving wilderness to destroy an artifact that can’t be destroyed. … read more

Film Review: Blade Runner 2049

Film Review: Blade Runner 2049

2049 is a film of misconceptions—highly unfortunate misconceptions at that. There are mind benders upon more. I guess this is the part where I raise my hand and start reciting to the class my notes, as this film was the first one I’ve seen since I graduated from University that made me feel like a student again.
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