Localized: Jon Bean and The Eyerollers

Localized: Jon Bean and The Eyerollers

Jon Bean and The Eyerollers seem to be fresh to the local music scene, but each member is supplied with an background that stretches back to the late ’80s. … read more

Color the Wasatch: Diversifying Climbing

Color the Wasatch: Diversifying Climbing

Rock climbing is a predominantly white sport that can be intimidating to make your way into. Salt Lake City’s Color the Wasatch hopes to overcome this barrier. … read more

Cabernet and Camaraderie: Women’s Wine Hiking Society

Cabernet and Camaraderie: Women’s Wine Hiking Society

Utah’s Women’s Wine Hiking Society is empowering women to experience the outdoors one happy hour at a time. … read more

Bold & Beautiful: Davín

Bold & Beautiful: Davín

Davin is a performer that won the Queers Got Talent event held earlier this month. … read more

SLUG Style: Mao Barroteran

SLUG Style: Mao Barroteran

Mao Barroteran’s style feels ahead of its time. With a background in dancing and music, Barroteran treats every sidewalk as their runway. … read more

Film Review: Egghead & Twinkie

Film Review: Egghead & Twinkie

Egghead & Twinkie is a low-budget comedy that wears its heart and influences on its sleeve, and it’s sure to resonate deeply with its target audience. … read more

Breaking Bread as a Strategy for Resilience: Iowa House

Breaking Bread as a Strategy for Resilience: Iowa House

With Iowa House, Jade Swayne and Amanda Madden sought to create a space that felt like home for queer and trans folk. … read more

SLUG Mag’s Pride Guide to Drag Shows Outside of SLC

SLUG Mag’s Pride Guide to Drag Shows Outside of SLC

SLUG has put together a list of a few drag shows happening this summer outside of Salt Lake County to highlight how the art form is flourishing in other parts of the state. … read more

Glitter and Hops: A Guide to Utah’s Pride-Themed Brews

Glitter and Hops: A Guide to Utah’s Pride-Themed Brews

SLUG is giving you all the hoppy details on a few of the hottest beers and ciders around SLC that are showing support for the LGBTQ+ community. … read more

Encircle Gallery: Art For The Community, By The Community

Encircle Gallery: Art For The Community, By The Community

Encircle currently has three “homes” that also serve as gallery spaces, with one each in Salt Lake City, Provo and St. George. … read more