Utah’s Filmmaking Future – The Artist Foundry

Utah’s Filmmaking Future – The Artist Foundry

There’s a communal sense of work that goes into a film, whether it’s a short or feature, and the Artist Foundry is an eclectic mix of all the people who can help make that happen, from actors and writers to video editors and cinematographers. … read more

Changing the Narrative – Diana Whitten of Film Fatales Utah

Changing the Narrative – Diana Whitten of Film Fatales Utah

Vessel is one part of Whitten’s repertoire as a director, and she is also an influencer within the organization Film Fatales, whose Utah chapter she established. … read more

Alternate Sensations: Stephanie Leaks

Alternate Sensations: Stephanie Leaks

Earlier this year, Stephanie Leaks identified as an alt-sensory poet, which they describe as an exploration of abstract feelings that’s grounded in physical sensation. … read more

A Peculiar Journal

A Peculiar Journal

Backed by a Kickstarter campaign, the staff—whom Aaron Gates says they refer to as their “peculiar family”—released their first issue in May of 2015, 80 pages that featured 21 Utah-based LGBTQ+ writers. … read more

Transgiving 2018: Celebrating Community And A ‘Buffet of Queer’

Transgiving 2018: Celebrating Community And A ‘Buffet of Queer’

Salt Lake’s LGBTQ+ community  is trying to reignite the communal flame that once existed somewhere on this earth, with events such as Transgiving. This event is currently in its second year, and caters primarily toward the trans youth who need support and love. … read more

Of Montreal @ Metro Music Hall 11.02 w/ Reptaliens

Of Montreal @ Metro Music Hall 11.02 w/ Reptaliens

Of Montreal’s bombastic music and equally theatric (yet charmingly indie) stage performance made for a gleefully, fun gig. Their Friday night onstage may have been one of the most colorful performances Metro has seen in a while.  … read more

The Blessings of Greg Kyte and Comedy Church

The Blessings of Greg Kyte and Comedy Church

Lord, give us this day our daily Greg—Greg Kyte, that is, and his one-of-a-kind Comedy Church. Recently Kyte, local comedy powerhouse, has become a breed of comedy pastor, priest, bishop and cult-leader wrapped into one with his new show running every other Sunday at Keys on Main. … read more

To Space, Comrade! Josie Cordova’s Arcade Endeavor

To Space, Comrade! Josie Cordova’s Arcade Endeavor

The night that Cordova unveiled To Space, Comrade! I was sitting in the back of Twilite Lounge. A typical night out at the bar developed into an experience that both inspired and struck the audience. … read more

Good Standing: Designing a Native Story of Faith and Love

Good Standing: Designing a Native Story of Faith and Love

Matthew Greene’s Good Standing is a creative take on the traditional, single-performer method with an unusual set design, intensely personal character portrayal and a story with roots that run deep for its collaborators and community. … read more