Send in the Clowns: A Creature Feature with Madazon Can-Can

Send in the Clowns: A Creature Feature with Madazon Can-Can

This month’s “Creature Feature” stars Madazon Can-Can, or Maddy, a performance clown, drag artist, educator and also—not surprisingly—a Gemini. … read more

Film Review: Project Power

Film Review: Project Power

Project Power isn’t quite as groundbreaking as it wants to be, but it’s an absorbing crime story that is filled with heart-stopping sequences and impressive visual effects. … read more

Queerations: Craft Lake City Artisan

Queerations: Craft Lake City Artisan

Quirkiness is the brightly colored basis of Psy Robison’s Queerations, and the brand holds nothing back in their pursuit of kitsch. … read more

Hy Amenero: Craft Lake City Artisan

Hy Amenero: Craft Lake City Artisan

Hy Amenero’s works have a surrealistic and deathly quality—subjects include hollow-eyed, furry humanoids and the floating skeletal heads of birds of prey. … read more

Daud Mumin on Allyship and Activism

Daud Mumin on Allyship and Activism

Activist Daud Mumin shares his thoughts regarding how non-Black people can be the best ally, as well as what makes a successful protest. … read more

Content Shifter: 9 Series to Stream on HBO Max

Content Shifter: 9 Series to Stream on HBO Max

July’s “Content Shifter” offers up nine series from HBO past and present worth discovering, or revisiting, on HBO Max (or regular ol’ HBO). … read more

Amplifying Black Voices: Terra Flesh

Amplifying Black Voices: Terra Flesh

Terra Flesh invigorates the Salt Lake drag scene by intertwining his Black queer identity with his passion for performance. … read more

Creature Feature: Jax Jackman

Creature Feature: Jax Jackman

This month’s Creature Feature highlights Sammee St. James, a magnificent bisexual, non-binary member of the Salt Lake City drag community. … read more

Megan Knobloch Geilman and Works of Translation: The Art of Symbology

Megan Knobloch Geilman and Works of Translation: The Art of...

“The shift to tableau work came on suddenly, and luckily, all that messing around turned out to be essential,” says Megan Knobloch Geilman. … read more