Gallery Shorts Block 3

Gallery Shorts Block 3

That Go music video Golden Prize, Joey and Jerome’s Artistic Meaningful Independent Film, Ha’agam (The Lake) … read more

Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work – Review

Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work – Review

Over the past 40 years, Joan Rivers has overcome monumental obstacles and continues to lead the fight for female comedians worldwide. … read more

HorseFingers 2: But I am the Tiger – Review

HorseFingers 2: But I am the Tiger – Review

Kirsten Kearse directed and starred in this interesting fable about the “modern woman” and the trials she encounters on a daily basis—literally. … read more

Pepperminta – Review

Pepperminta – Review

Pepperminta lives with her imagination on her sleeve, longing to make the world see it as she does: in bright kaleidoscope colors. … read more

One Hundred Mornings – Review

One Hundred Mornings – Review

Although the pacing is slow, this film is a thoughtful meditation on human nature and the nature of morality in the absence of society.  An intelligent, well-crafted narrative. … read more

Tony : London Serial Killer – Review

Tony : London Serial Killer – Review

While never amazing, Tony is a solid, eerie, and very well acted film.  Definitely recommended for fans of the serial killer genre. … read more

Exit Through the Gift Shop – Review

Exit Through the Gift Shop – Review

A refreshingly creative approach to the doc genre, Exit Through the Gift Shop is not so much about Bansky as it is about the French-American character Thierry Guetta and his personal journey to capture the worldwide street art scene. … read more

The Perfect Host – Review

The Perfect Host – Review

John Taylor has just robbed a bank. His foot is bleeding through his shoe and his face is all over the news. He’s been convicted of theft and assault before. He’s completely fucked. … read more

Louis C.K.: Hilarious – Review

Louis C.K.: Hilarious – Review

Hilarious: According to Louis C.K. it’s something that is so funny it ruins your life. It makes you laugh so hard that you loose your mind. When you finish laughing you’re homeless. You have shit, leaves and twigs in your hair. … read more

Women Without Men – Review

Women Without Men – Review

Shirin Neshat’s first feature length narrates a complex story based around the lives of three women living in Tehran in the summer of 1953. … read more