San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Three: Oddball Comics

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Three: Oddball Comics

I entered day three of the convention with the Zen calm of a Hindu cow, resigned to my fate. All the things that a fanboy suffers through for his passion—the sore feet and aching lower back, the endless bumping of people running into you at every turn in the tightly packed convention center, the loud noises, the ups and downs of meeting your idols or being turned away from a full panel, the expensive but desirable exclusive toys and comics—all these things no longer bothered me. … read more

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Two: When It’s Time to Party We Will Party Hard

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Two: When It’s Time to...

“The best laid plans of mice and men,” as they say, was a bitter pill to swallow. I learned this quickly the second day of San Diego Comic Con 2012, as I dashed with my roommates to try and get into the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel. This was one of the very few things on my agenda that I really wanted to attend. But the normal part of my brain was not willing to get to the con early and wait in line for hours. … read more

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day One: Blood on the Con Floor

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day One: Blood on the Con...

San Diego Comic Con is a strange and overwhelming beast. You can try to imagine what a mass of humanity 125,000 deep is like, but it won’t do justice to viewing the actual spectacle with your own eyes. This being my fourth time attending I still find it incredible. … read more

Finding A Sweet Cape To Go With Those Heels: Damn These Heels! Film Fest July 13-15

Finding A Sweet Cape To Go With Those Heels: Damn...

My friends are proud, and I now have a more clear idea of what it takes for them to maintain that. To me, they are heroes. These are a few of the films being screened at Damn These Heels! that I feel finely demonstrate heroism and strength. … read more

Electric Daisy Carnival: The Party Continues

Electric Daisy Carnival: The Party Continues

From June 8-10, I attended one of the biggest electronic music festivals in the world—Insomniac’s Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas. I’m still trying to process everything that happened in those three days. … read more

Fiddling in the Wind: Tales From Desert Rocks 2012

Fiddling in the Wind: Tales From Desert Rocks 2012

“If you plan on dragging me through this sandstorm and then back in here, I’d better be wasted,” one grumpy festival-goer asserted, hands on hips with a bandana pulled up almost above her eyes. This, in a nutshell, is what became of the aspirational “Celebration of Consciousness” that was alleged to be the new-and-improved Desert Rocks of 2012. … read more

E3 Day Three – Indiecade

E3 Day Three – Indiecade

As I reflected on the time I spent in IndieCade, I realized that indie developers really were some of the hardest-working people in the industry. Their tireless efforts to provide fun, novel experiences with gameplay showed through the passion with which they described their projects, and the unique concepts underpinning their designs. I honestly look forward with more enthusiasm to some of the incomplete projects I’d seen at IndieCade than virtually any other game I’d seen during my entire E3 trip. … read more

E3 Day Two – Square Enix

E3 Day Two – Square Enix

With an enormous high definition screen belching out promo footage from their plethora of games on the show floor, I couldn’t miss Square Enix’s display area if I tried. Having been a fan of the company’s Final Fantasy franchise for some time, and enticed by some of the recent acquisitions for the publisher, I trundled over to check out some of the new titles, including Hitman: Absolution, Sleeping Dogs and Tomb Raider, for myself. … read more

E3 Day Two – Capcom

E3 Day Two – Capcom

I made my way to the line where Capcom was handing out tickets to demo their reboot of the Devil May Cry series, DMC. Ninja Theory’s decision to shake up their designs raised the hackles on more than a few fans of the series, but being a fan myself, I couldn’t give up the chance to check it out. … read more

E3 Day Two – LucasArts

E3 Day Two – LucasArts

LucasArts pulled the gathered members of the press into a theater themed after the interior of a Star Wars space shuttle. Through the windows, you could see a gradual descent through a seemingly endless series of layers, diving down deeper into what we soon learned was Coruscant. Hovering in the main screen were the words “Star Wars 1313.” … read more