Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Smash Con

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Smash Con

When I was a kid, one of the games my siblings and I would play for hours was Super Smash Brothers Melee. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Alan Tudyk

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Alan Tudyk

Alan Tudyk is a little crazy—everything about his panel was unique. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Bruce Campbell

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Bruce Campbell

Even at 56 years old, Bruce Campbell still has one of the best chins in the business.  … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Tabletop Games and RPGs Day One

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Tabletop Games and RPGs Day...

My draft started off pretty weird, and I was forced to switch colors with surprising frequency. However, with the aid of a few off-the-wall conspiracy cards, I was able to make a Bant (White, Blue and Green, for the uninitiated) deck with a strong Selesnya-fueled token theme. If I’ve already lost you, then just think of my deck as a random assortment of zoo animals bursting out of the trees and stampeding over my opponents. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Ron Perlman Panel

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Ron Perlman Panel

I was so thrilled when veteran character actor Ron Perlman got added to the SLCC guest list right before the Con opened. I’ve been a fan of his smooth baritone voice and charm since I was a kid. He’s had such an eclectic collection of voice and screen work, including his most famous roles as conflicted superhero Hellboy, that I didn’t know what to expect from him as a person in a panel session. Turns out, the dude is just a stone cold badass on every level. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Local Authors Lehua Parker and C.R. Asay

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Local Authors Lehua Parker and...

A tad more approachable feature at this year’s Con is the Utah Fantasy Authors Book Store—which, as you may have guessed, spotlights a number of local authors and their works. The signs at the large booth urge people to “Please Touch” the books, as well as “Pick up and read the back cover.” Within the booth, which has been set up to resemble a book store, are a half dozen or so Utah authors chatting, with anyone who comes near, about the books that they’ve written. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Ron Perlman

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Ron Perlman

In response to Richie’s first question asking why he goes to events like Comic Con, “Just to get out of the house,” Perlman said. “My wife asks me to do a bunch of shit if I’m at home.” … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Starts With a Quirky Bang

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Starts With a Quirky Bang

Bryan Brandenburg and Dan Farr, introduced by Lou Ferrigno, kicked off Salt Lake Comic Con 2014 with a bang. The two packed the opening presser with celebrities from every genre of nerddom they could get their hands on. From Jason David Frank to Neal Adams: artists, voice actors, costumed heroes and television stars came popping out of the Tardis to start the the engines of fan celebration. … read more

Kick-Ass Cosplay in 6 Easy Steps

Kick-Ass Cosplay in 6 Easy Steps

So, you want to cosplay at Comic Con this year. Awesome! I appreciate anyone who takes the time and effort to go beyond putting on a geek T-shirt and calling it good. I’ve got a couple of tips to help get you started. … read more