Beer Reviews –  February 2011

Beer Reviews – February 2011

The month of February is here—we’ve recovered from the holidays, sent out our apology letters for any drunken mishaps and finally allowed our livers to start that healing process. Then the holiday planning assholes from above take a shit on us by infecting this month with cherub- and chocolate-packed mayhem, which only leads to more heavy drinking and probably some regrettable carnal endeavors. This lineup ought to put you in the mood for candlelit alone time with your lover or the random you picked up at the bar to ease any feelings of loneliness. … read more

Beer Reviews – January 2011

Beer Reviews – January 2011

Another year down, and the prospect of palate-pleasing beer is already rearing its foamy head. Last year saw the rise of strong beer thanks to loopholes in the shaky Utah legislature regarding the brew, and a surprising increase in the demand for craft beer. With December’s issue covering the top-rated brews of the year, this will be a peek of what’s to come and who to look out for. … read more

Beer Reviews – December 2010

Beer Reviews – December 2010

2010 was a year that the City of Salt saw two new craft breweries, more than enough new seasonals, enough high gravity beer to give you a wedgie, and some damn fine liquor. So for you, we will be highlighting the best of the best that hit market and what I feel best summarized the bad-ass-ness-ocity that is the motherfucking Utah craft scene! … read more

Beer Reviews – November 2010

Beer Reviews – November 2010

With Halloween just passed and that neo-fascist holiday of Thanksgiving coming up, I figured why not review some of that crazy spiced, chocolate, pumpkin shit that everyone raves about. I love to see those crazy styles hitting the Utah craft scene, and with other breweries like Dogfish Head, New Belgium and Stone busting out all that funky shit, I say it’s time for Utah breweries to put our state on the map—throw whatever the hell you can into the bunch. … read more

Chubby Release Party

Chubby Release Party

As if the Utah craft beer scene was not giving you a boner as it is, the crew over at the Utah Brewers Cooperative are willing to give you one of theirs: The Chubby.   … read more

Great American Beer Festival 2010

Great American Beer Festival 2010

It was the time of the year your most loyal brewpub patrons are out of town. That picky guy at the liquor store has vanished. And the who’s who of brewers and bartenders around the state have seemingly fallen of the face of the earth. No, they were actually at the most grown-up playground you can imagine, The Great American Beer Fest in Denver, Colorado. And with my laptop by my side, and a drifting allocation of sobriety, SLUG sent me off to cover the brew mecca of Denver. … read more

Beer Reviews – October 2010

Beer Reviews – October 2010

While Utah has managed to maintain an archaic bubble that leaves the majority of us dry humping away at sanity, occasionally there is a small glimmer of hope that makes us think there is a chance. Recently, this small glimmer of hope comes in the form of “on-premises bottling for higher gravity beer.” Utah has already seen Epic Brewing open based around this law, and with many local breweries dishing out high point beers, one can only hope it will further the Utah beer scene. … read more

City Weekly Utah Beer Festival 2010

City Weekly Utah Beer Festival 2010

With as fast as the Utah brewing scene has been growing it was only a matter of time before that the zion curtain would see a full, free-pouring beer fest .
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Beer Reviews – September 2010

Beer Reviews – September 2010

With Oktoberfest just around the corner rearing its beautiful German head, there is nothing I want more than to be in a field of lederhosen, beer and drunkards. So, for those of us who are confined by the restraints of reality and really poor budgeting (due to a short visit to some exquisite out-of-state liquor emporiums), here are some beers to sip on while we dream of what could have been… … read more

Beer Reviews – August 2010

Beer Reviews – August 2010

With all the heat and subsequent profuse drinking, I almost forgot to give my annual review of summer  booze to keep you inebriated enough to forget you’ve already worked through the season and you haven’t even peeked out from behind the Zion curtain. More importantly, I hope this will serve as a recommendation guide for this summer’s beer selection. If your current beer of choice seems to be accompanied by a Jimmy Buffet song, you ought to set that piss water down and pick up some of these quality beers. … read more