Beer Reviews – October 2012

Beer Reviews – October 2012

Our livers have survived the City Weekly Beer Festival, we’ve avoided a DUI at the Snowbird Oktoberfest and we’ve slowly made the budgetary adjustments to put up with the DABC fuckwits’ newly implemented taxation on high point. With all those things making your beer-damaged bladder quiver, what better month do we have to incite fear than the present? The beers we have are sure to cause a fright––there is a bock back from the dead, and some foreign invaders from Ogden are claiming to make high point beers. … read more

Beer Reviews – September 2012

Beer Reviews – September 2012

Summer is roaring to an end, and if you’re still reading this, your liver, or at least some motor functions, are still intact. That deserves a “cheers” and probably a slap on the wrist for not drinking hard enough to support our local brewers. Nonetheless, this month we have a stellar lineup of some hop-emphasized beers, and a newer stylization of beer to impress any Belgian connoisseur. So sit back, enjoy, and for god’s sake, please step up your game. … read more

Beer Reviews – August 2012

Beer Reviews – August 2012

This is a group of limited-run beers that, with a little luck, may still be kicking around when this issue hits the streets. For those of you who are not aware: It is you, the consumer, who decides which beers stick around. If you manage to find a new, local micro beer that you drank enough to pass out, piss yourself, wake up the next morning and keep at it, then write your brewers and tell them that. So, enjoy this beer lineup, and please write in to these guys––otherwise, we’ll riot in the streets. … read more

Booze Reviews

Booze Reviews

It’s that time of year when beer fests and beer drinking have officially taxed my palate. While some may see that as an opportunity to take a breather and lay off the sauce for a bit, I press on for you, the reader. With that in mind, the most logical step is the highest point of the higher points: craft spirits. This set of reviews includes the local big boys of the distillation game. … read more

Beer Reviews – June 2012

Beer Reviews – June 2012

Summer has set in, and this god-awful, dry-ass heat makes me want to drown myself in an ample amount of booze. That’s where our outstanding Utah brewers come in. This set of beer reviews is a teaser to reflect what we’ve come to expect from our fine local brewers and breweries. Here are some lagers to soothe us in that heat and a hopped-up brew for all those lupulin-crazed assholes out there who haven’t had enough enamel ripped off their teeth. … read more

Beer Reviews – May 2012

Beer Reviews – May 2012

Maybe I’m behind on the vernacular at times, but when I overheard one of the brew brethren utter the phrase, “Getting some strange,” I wasn’t quite sure what it meant, but I was positive that it was douchebaggy. Despite my hip-lingo handicap, my beer brain wandered off into thinking, “I could go for some strange brew-drinking tonight.” This lineup covers all of those beers that don’t fall into the norm of your typical drinking night. … read more

Saison Beer Recipe

Saison Beer Recipe

Saison (meaning “season”) originated in Wallonia—the southern and predominantly French-speaking region of Belgium—as a refreshing and nourishing drink for farmhands and seasonal harvest workers (les saisonneirs) to drink in the summer. several local breweries have offerings in this style, including RedRock, Squatters, Epic and Hoppers (seasonally). Give those a try, or make one of your own at home—it’s easier than you think! … read more

SLUG Bug Red Beer Recipe

SLUG Bug Red Beer Recipe

When SLUG asked The Beer Nut to create a recipe, we wanted something sticky, juicy and memorable. We formulated an American red ale, loaded with rich, malty goodness and a blast of citrusy hop flavor. At 5.9 percent ABV, this ale satisfies the desire for a rich, full-bodied beer without knocking you off your skateboard. (Note: Don’t drink beer on a skateboard—you could spill some.) We’ve compiled two versions of the recipe: an all-grain and a mini-mash/extract version. … read more

Beer Match Challenge

Beer Match Challenge

You’re a grocery store clerk, and your drunken shoppers have dropped all their beer right before beer o’clock. They want to get checked out lickety-split, and you need to satisfy the customer before the hour strikes. Since they’re too inebriated to function, it’s up to you to get the right beer with the right person out the door. It’s now time for the Beer Match Challenge! … read more

A Sustainable Future for Local Beer

A Sustainable Future for Local Beer

Brewing beer itself is not the most environmentally friendly business—it’s a complicated process involving a lot of water, energy and movement of heavy materials. It invariably comes with a lot of waste, which is why a local brewery working hard to offset these costs, while bringing you a high quality product, means so much to people here in Utah. Uinta Brewing has been doing its part by working toward energy self-sufficiency for over a decade. … read more