Cabernet and Camaraderie: Women’s Wine Hiking Society

Cabernet and Camaraderie: Women’s Wine Hiking Society

Utah’s Women’s Wine Hiking Society is empowering women to experience the outdoors one happy hour at a time. … read more

SLUG Mag’s Pride Guide to Drag Shows Outside of SLC

SLUG Mag’s Pride Guide to Drag Shows Outside of SLC

SLUG has put together a list of a few drag shows happening this summer outside of Salt Lake County to highlight how the art form is flourishing in other parts of the state. … read more

Nuanua Collective Creates an Ocean of Opportunities for LGBTQ+ Pacific Islanders

Nuanua Collective Creates an Ocean of Opportunities for LGBTQ+ Pacific...

The Nuanua collective is an organization dedicated to providing resources and safe spaces for queer and trans Pacific Islanders in Utah. … read more

Fit to Recover: A Community for Lasting Change

Fit to Recover: A Community for Lasting Change

Fit to Recover is making lasting sobriety a reality for those in recovery by providing a place for people to get vulnerable, get creative or break a sweat. … read more

Utah Abortion Fund: Aiding in the Fight to Sustain Reproductive Wellness

Utah Abortion Fund: Aiding in the Fight to Sustain Reproductive...

The Utah Abortion Fund advocates and fights for reproductive justice for individuals in Utah seeking support and assistance. … read more

Women, Life, Freedom: A Conversation with Free Iran SLC

Women, Life, Freedom: A Conversation with Free Iran SLC

Free Iran SLC comprises parents, scientists, students, professionals and educators who share a lifelong goal for a democratic and liberated Iran. … read more

Unsheltered Utah: Surviving the Moratorium

Unsheltered Utah: Surviving the Moratorium

Wendy Garvin is the executive director of Unsheltered Utah, a community organization that helps our unsheltered neighbors stay safe, healthy and supported. … read more

Public Art Piece In Search of Blue Sky Finds Common Ground in Air Quality Fight

Public Art Piece In Search of Blue Sky Finds Common...

Public art installation In Search of Blue Sky seeks both to raise community awareness of the air quality data and embed it with personal meaning. … read more

Highway to the Hydrozone: Eco-conscious Landscaping with Stephanie Duer of SLC Public Utilities

Highway to the Hydrozone: Eco-conscious Landscaping with Stephanie Duer of...

Stephanie Duer, Water Conservation Manager for SLC’s Department of Public Utilities, explains how eco-conscious design is more than rocky, grassless lawns. … read more

ASSIST Inc Provides Sustainable Architectural and Community Planning in Salt Lake County

ASSIST Inc Provides Sustainable Architectural and Community Planning in Salt...

ASSIST Inc has been providing architectural design, community planning and development assistance to nonprofit and community groups for over 50 years. … read more