Remembering the Legend: C.R. Johnson

Remembering the Legend: C.R. Johnson

How do we honor someone who has had a profound influence on the life and personal direction of others? Paint a picture, write a book, build a monument? Let’s go skiing instead! This February 24 marks the day one year ago when the ski world lost one of its most cherished members, C.R. Johnson. Known as CRJ throughout the industry, his charismatic personality and upbeat attitude were contagious to all those who had the privilege of spending time with him. … read more



Mo Collet, owner of the Blindside in Sugarhouse, has built a reputable shop by giving back to the community of skateboarders and snowboarders that frequent the area. Blindside is a staple of the skateboard and snowboard scene and has been for quite some time, without any plans to stop anytime soon. I sat down with Mo and banged out some hard-hitting questions about SLUG and the 22nd birthday of the magazine. … read more

SLUG Games: Night Riders

SLUG Games: Night Riders

On Jan. 8, PCMR hosted the first stop of the 2011 SLUG Games amateur ski and snowboard contest known as Night Riders. Not only would it go down in the books as the first contest to be held in Park City’s newly redesigned night park, but also as one of the greatest SLUG Games events during the course of its eleven year legacy. … read more

A Masterful Performance: The North Face Masters 2011 @ Snowbird

A Masterful Performance: The North Face Masters 2011 @ Snowbird

p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; January 21-23 marked the return of every big mountain snowboarder’s favorite competition, The North Face Masters.  Day one kicked off on Friday under bluebird skies and ripping wind. … read more

Stan Evans & Jeremy Miller Interview

Stan Evans & Jeremy Miller Interview

p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal { margin: 0in 0in 0.0001pt; font-size: 12pt; font-family: “Times New Roman”; }div.Section1 { page: Section1; }No strangers to the action sports scene, photographer Stan Evans and videographer Jeremy Miller joined forces to create a film that focuses on the women that are changing the ski scene every chance they get. “Say My Name” premiered at the 2011 X-Dance Action Sport Film Festival, and the directors took the time to answer some burning questions about their latest venture.
  … read more

Jordan Mendenhall

Jordan Mendenhall

Jordan Mendenhall is definitely an instant classic. He is a multitalented person who makes his way through life doing what he does without looking for recognition or praise. As a kid, he would enter contests thinking it was a fun thing to do with his friends and he ended up becoming the Jr. World Halfpipe Champion. Since then, Jordan has put out multiple video parts that blow minds in a very unique way. … read more

Photo Feature: Justin Keniston

Photo Feature: Justin Keniston

Justin Keniston, AKA Gyp, AKA Chip, is one of the new faces I met last season. He would come out to help and shred whenever I was shooting with Laura Hadar. I don’t think I heard him say a word until the third or fourth such session, but that was long after I figured out he was much more than a roadie and definitely knew a thing or two about boarding himself. Just the other day, it was mentioned that he was a ‘90s baby and I’m old enough to be his father. … read more



4FRNT began its stride towards greatness in 2002 as a small company operating out of Lake Tahoe, California. As the company gained traction in the ski world, it picked up and moved to Salt Lake City in autumn of 2005. Three years later, in October of 2008, the company moved into a newly renovated warehouse where they not only sell their product in their own retail store, but also manufacture prototypes. … read more

Fresh Changes at PCMR

Fresh Changes at PCMR

For the 2010/2011 season, Park City is making some big changes to their new Three Kings park. This season, Park City has invested a lot of time, and probably money, to bring you a newly renovated park located where Pick ‘n’ Shovel park was last season.  Three Kings will feature two more runs full of rails, boxes, logs, jumps and a few things you’ve only dreamed of. If that doesn’t get your gear all wet, here is a little bonus: Park City has added lights throughout the entire new park! … read more

Alaska With Mikey

Alaska With Mikey

I always wanted to go to Alaska. It seems to me that anyone who has snowboarded has dreamed of making it there and having the opportunity to push their snowboarding to the limit. In Alaska anything can happen––good or bad. The landscape alone speaks for itself. Sure the mountains in Utah might be just as tall, but you don’t see them protruding from the ocean like huge fangs. Everything in Alaska just seems bigger and better. … read more