Photo Feature: Bode Merrill

Photo Feature: Bode Merrill

Bode Merrill recently told me about his affection for dubstep and raves. That is the moment I knew he was into drugs. Perhaps I’m jumping to conclusions here and underestimating the amount of head trauma he’s sustained from snowboarding. I decided to do some research into this second theory and found that Bode actually has his very own blog dedicated to one of the nastiest of all snowboarding wrecks—the scorpion. … read more

Man of Many Masks: An Interview with Julian Carr

Man of Many Masks: An Interview with Julian Carr

Julian Carr is a man of many masks—pro skier, entrepreneur, college graduate, published writer and world record holder. He is also a man of dedication and commitment, traits that helped him achieve his success both as a professional skier and as owner of Discrete Headwear. Through all this, he’s still humble and unassuming, grounded in his love and passion for skiing. … read more

SLUG Games: Dawn of the Shred

SLUG Games: Dawn of the Shred

On January 14, the 12th Annual SLUG Games went undead with Dawn of the Shred, presented by Budweiser, at Brighton Resort. No skier, snowboarder or snowblader was safe from the fury as hoards of local talent ran rampant through the course built by Brighton’s superior Zombie Response and Terrain Park crew. … read more

Photo Feature: Jon Kooley

Photo Feature: Jon Kooley

People must often wonder why so many urban snowboarding photos are taken at night. I mean, for the most part snowboarding is something you do in the daytime and when it gets dark you go home and get drunk. Why in the hell would you want to waste precious drinking hours sliding around on a piece of plastic? … read more

Secret Snow Flying Machines: The Story Behind WuBanger Skis

Secret Snow Flying Machines: The Story Behind WuBanger Skis

Somewhere, a huge factory is spitting out thousands of skis. The materials are obtained for rock bottom prices, the designs are flawed, and Laverne and Shirley carelessly inspect the product before flaking off in song and dance. After one day on your new setup, you realize the skis suck, but now you’re screwed—the skis are used and can’t be returned. There goes a thousand bucks—FUCK! Enter WuBanger Skis. … read more

Falling Forward: Clayton Butler

Falling Forward: Clayton Butler

We’ve all had that dream as we are drifting off to sleep where we are falling.  Suddenly, you kick awake and you are sitting there in your room, alone and afraid. Clayton Butler loves that dream. He embraces it so much that he has spent the better part of the past five years trying to recreate that sensation in real life. A reserved young man who works hard for a living, you’d never know that Butler spends his weekends hurling himself off tall objects and massive cliffs. … read more

Photo Feature: Will Tuddenham

Photo Feature: Will Tuddenham

Can you imagine seeing someone rocking a Jazz t-shirt outside of Utah? Do they even exist? I’d seriously love to see the sales numbers for Jazz merch beyond Mormon borders. What the hell does a kid think when he sees Will Tuddenham flying a bright green and yellow logo on his chest when he’s snowboarding? If I was a kid in this day and age, the first thing I’d think was that this was just another ironic t-shirt. But there’s no irony here. … read more

Salty Peaks’ Eighty Seven Movie Premiere @ Tower Theatre 11.02

Salty Peaks’ Eighty Seven Movie Premiere @ Tower Theatre 11.02

On November 2, hundreds of snowboarders and snowboarding fans gathered at the Tower Theatre in Salt Lake City for the long awaited premiere of Salty Peaks’ first, full-length snowboard film titled Eighty Seven. … read more

Shred Film: The Movement

Shred Film: The Movement

The sheer freedom that sliding down mountainsides covered in a thick blanket of snow provides is unparalleled. However, for those athletes born with disabilities or severely injured later in life, finding that release requires a lot more focus and determination. In The Movement, Directors Greg I. Hamilton and Kurt Miller take the viewer along an emotional road to recovery for several individuals that are overcoming their disabilities to achieve great things. Utah screenings: Nov. 3 @ The Depot and Nov. 5 @ Egyptian Theatre … read more

Shred Flicks

Shred Flicks

This year’s snow films have started to roll out, and we have reviews of All.I.Can, The Art of Flight, Defenders of Awesome/Ammo, Loyalty, The Ordinary Skier, Solitaire, Standing Sideways and Vacation. … read more