Action Sports

SCDG League Championships
Saturday was the end of roller derby season for Salt City Derby Girls. The league championship game was played by Death Dealers and the Leave it to Cleavers. The Cleavers, who have been the league champs two years running, were looking to make league history with their third win. … read more

Mountain Throwdown on 10.02
Saturday Oct. 2 was Utah’s first annual roller derby tournament, Mountain Throwdown. This is pretty big stuff. Utah is stepping up its roller derby game. The tournament was comprised of three of Utah’s four all girl roller derby leagues: Salt Lake’s Salt City Derby Girls, Ogden’s Junction City Roller Dolls and O-Town Derby Dames.
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SCDG/JCDG Double Header on 09.25
Saturday Sept. 25 was Salt City Derby Girls return to Salt Lake after being up north. To start off the double header, there was a bout between Junction City Roller Derby and Salt City Roller Derby. The bout was a charity bout benefitting the Road Home. Fans were asked to donate items like canned food, blankets, etc. The teams were both divided into the Black Mambas and the White Lightning, with members from each league playing together on the same teams. … read more

Hilltop Aces vs. Sisters of No Mercy 08.28
This bout started off a little slow and tedious. The refs didn’t seem like they knew what they were doing and because of this there was a lot of down time between jams. It took awhile for the girls to get into a groove and both teams slowly scored points during the beginning of the first half. The Sisters controlled this part of the game. By the end of the tenth jam they were ahead by 22. … read more

Railway Banditas vs. Bomber Babes 08.28
The second bout of the Junction City Roller Dolls vs. Salt City Derby Girls double-header was between the Railway Banditas (JCRD) vs. Bomber Babes (SCDG). The Banditas instantly applied the pressure during the first jam with Colonel Skirts (#111) having a 20 point scoring run. The Babes scored zero. Sadly the Babes struggled throughout the whole game with scoring. Railway Banditas made breaking out of the pack look easy, but Bomber Babes struggled with being the first ones out of the pack and gaining lead jammer status. … read more

Leave it to Cleavers vs. Death Dealers 07.10.10
The first jam started out quick paced. Right off the bat there was a collision between two to three of the Leave it to Cleaver blockers and the Death Dealer jammer, RollHer Kitty #7. All of the skaters slid across the floor and almost into the suicide seating. Despite this, Kitty got lead jam status and scored for the Dealers. … read more

The Salt City Shakers vs. Tent City Terrors 07.10.10
Western Region power rankings were on the line Saturday night at the Salt Palace. The 13th ranked Tent City Terrors were in town from Arizona to take on 16th ranked Salt City Shakers. A win for Salt City could have boosted their position in the rankings. … read more

Wasatch Roller Derby Midnight Terror vs. Slaughter House Derby Girls
Wasatch Roller Derby’s Midnight Terror showed the Slaughter House Derby Girls of Greeley, CO who’s boss last Saturday at the Taylorsville Rec Center. From the get-go the Terror was ahead leading 16 – 2 just five minutes in … read more

SCDG: Salt City Shakers vs. FoCO Micro Bruisers
The Micro Bruisers from Fort Collins, Colorado visited Salt Lake City to skate against two of the leagues in the valley, the first of which were the Salt City Shakers on Saturday night followed by Wasatch Roller Derby on Sunday morning. These ladies had to have slept well on the bus ride home because the two Salt Lake leagues challenged their roller derby skills. The Micro Bruisers fought for their points and played well, but they were no match for the local gals.
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Wastach Roller Derby’s Midnight Terror vs. The FoCo Micro Bruisers
The girls from Wasatch Roller Derby’s Midnight Terror stepped onto the track early, obviously prepared for their bout against the Micro Bruisers of Fort Collins, Colorado. The Micro Bruisers had just woken up from their defeat against the Salt City Shakers the night before and seemed to be making some last minute adjustments before the bout began.