Action Sports

A Train Runs Through It: JCRD Welcomes Choice City to...
I knew relatively little about Choice City before heading north to watch them take on the Junction City Trainwrecks. Still a somewhat small league, they travel with two-thirds of their skaters. Knowing this now, I can see why Choice City runs such tight strategies. When it comes to travel teams, just having the time to practice with each other can make or break a winning streak. … read more

Summer Shovin’: Hot Wheelers vs Molly Morbids 08.11
Last Saturday the Derby Depot was packed as WRD’s Hot Wheelers warmed up on the track against Spanish Fork’s Happy Valley Derby Darlins’ Molly Morbids in shocking pink. As the fans continued to swarm in, tensions ran higher and higher. … read more

Wasatch Roller Derby Extravaganza @ Derby Depot 07.14
A day filled absolutely full of derby. What more could a girl ask for? Or anyone with decent taste, for that matter? … read more

No Mercy: SCDG’s Sisters Face Off Against the Bomber Babes...
Saturday, the Salt City Derby Girls hosted their second banked track game of the season, pitting two of my dear friends against each other on opposite home teams, the Bomber Babes and the Sisters of No Mercy. … read more

HVDD’s Molly Morbids Host Junction City B-Train 06.16
Junction City built a strong defense from the start, relying on starting jammer Pickle’s speed and agility to get through the pack unassisted, and letting blockers focus on HVDD’s Cookie. Suddenly, I was hungry. … read more

WRD: Black Diamond Divas vs. Hot Wheelers 06.09
As the first jam between the Black Diamond Divas and Hot Wheelers started, it seemed that tempers were already hot. … read more

WRD: Bonneville Bone Crushers vs. Portneuf Valley Bruisers 06.02
For those of you who couldn’t pry yourself away from the festivities of Pride, you missed out on a fantastic match between Wasatch Roller Derby’s Bonneville Bone Crushers and Idaho’s Portneuf Valley Bruisers. … read more

Wasatch Roller Derby Double-Header 05.26
The air was electric inside the Derby Depot, as the crowd prepared to cheer on our hometown girls, Midnight Terror, taking on Boise’s Treasure Valley Roller Girls. The night’s game was to be a double header, the first game between Midnight Terror and Treasure Valley, the second between the Bonneville Bone Crushers and Treasure Valley’s B Team. … read more

Wasatch Roller Derby Picnic Scrimmage 05.12
As I walked into the Derby Depot last Saturday afternoon, I was stoked to see all of the different skaters from around the valley, warming up on the track. A little bit of everyone from all the teams and leagues, including Uinta Madness, Wasatch, Red Rockettes, Salt City, Happy Valley and even the girls from Moab. For some, BBQ and fishnets may be an odd combination, but for the true fans and family of these derby skaters, it is pure bliss. … read more

Bombing On The Banked Track: Salt City Makes Their Debut...
When the Salt City Derby Girls announced last year that they would be making the transition to the banked track, I’ll admit that I had my doubts. After all, SCDG began as a flat track league in 2005. It’s likely that most of the league had never even set skate on a banked track before. Rumors started flying, but Salt City kept quiet. Finally, the track made its debut on May 5, to a home team beatdown between the Death Dealers and the Bomber Babes. … read more