Action Sports

March Mayhem: Uinta Madness vs Capital City Skull Crushers and...
Men’s derby is not like your average roller derby. It’s filled with testosterone, power and, well, big hairy dudes. The jams are rougher, the hits are harder, and for me personally, the eye candy is better. When roller derby made its resurgence years ago, it was an all-female dominating sport. For the most part, it still is. But let’s be honest—we ladies couldn’t keep all the fun to ourselves. … read more

Annie, Get Your Skates: JCRD Saddle Up for the Wild...
Junction City’s travel team was up in Bremerton, Wash. to take part in the Wild West Showdown, an annual three-day derby brawl with leagues from all over the nation hosted by the Slaughter County Roller Vixens. … read more

WRD: Salt Flat Fallouts vs. Hot Wheelers 02.22
A Hot Wheeler blocker knocked Bunz Bunny out of play with a beautiful hip check, letting Stache Bot of Wheelers gain lead jammer and scoring their first three points before being knocked out of play herself and calling off the jam. After that, the Hot Wheelers dominated on the scoreboard and on the track. … read more

Season’s Beatings: Red Rockettes Season Ender 12.12
With 15 minutes left, Black Frost was still in command of the scoreboard. Black Frost’s blockers did a fantastic job, containing Candy Pain jammer Duchess of Destruction, nearly knocking her into the crowd. Lucky Vixen, a Black Frost jammer, was able to score 10 points as her blockers were doing double duty, aiding her through the pack and restraining Duchess. This jam was very action filled, and it continued on as Duchess was hit out of play. She came back in, cutting the track, only to be knocked down again straight onto her ass. … read more

Hellskate: A Roller Derby Horror Film
Hellskate is Sahna Foley’s latest brainchild: a roller derby horror film. As SLUG’s derby correspondent, I don’t think you can imagine my excitement for this. I sat down to talk with Foley about Hellskate, what she hopes will come from the fundraiser, and her thoughts on derby and life in general. … read more

Junction City Roller Dolls Halloween Skate-tacular! 10.26
The buxom babes of Junction City were our hosts of their 6th Annual Halloween Bout, which was to be a double header. First was a rematch between Junction’s Trainwrecks and Fort Collins, Colorado’s FOCO Girls Gone Derby. Then, the LOCO Motives against Flathead Valley Roller Derbys Big Mountain Misfits from Kalispell, Montana. … read more
Put Some Pride in Your Stride! Junction City Double Header...
Ogden’s very own Junction City Roller Dolls promised a double header, and believe me when I say that they delivered in full. The first bout pit Junction’s Trainwrecks against the Cheyenne Capidolls from Cheyenne, Wyoming. The second match would be between Junction’s team, the LOCO Motives and Treasure Valley’s Boise River Rollers from Boise, Idaho all packed inside the Golden Spike Event Center. … read more
Junction City Roller Dolls: Back to School Double Header 08.24
The second half started getting down and vicious in a very fast way. Both teams seemed to get a second wind and it showed. Jammers were pushing themselves to break the pack first, blockers were throwing hip checks and pulling great defensive plays and at times it was all I could do to keep up. … read more
Junction City Trainwrecks vs. Colorado Rock’n Rollers 07.13
Using a good dual offense and defense strategy, applying the “hit it and quit it” tactic, and taking advantage of every power jam, the Trainwrecks’ lead over Colorado kept increasing. … read more
WRD: Salt Flat Fallouts vs. Black Diamond Divas 06.29
The headliner of the night was a showdown between Wasatch’s Salt Flat Fallouts and the Black Diamond Divas, in their last home game before the championship bout, so to say the least, I felt it was going to be a bloody (hopefully only figuratively) free-for-all to find out who truly was going to be the top dog this season. … read more