Salt Lake Bicycle Collective

Salt Lake Bicycle Collective

Part of the Salt Lake City Bicycle Collective’s mission is to create good memories for every child. Jonathan Morrison, the Collective’s Executive Director, is dedicated to this cause and sees his role as a dot connector in the process. Though the Collective’s pedal pushing programs and volunteer-based bike shop have become integral to the local community, Morrison attributes the community’s influence as the driving force behind its creation and development. … read more

Red Bull Rampage

Red Bull Rampage

Rolling up to the event, it appeared that some type of futuristic soldiers were hurling themselves down a mountain on two-wheeled gravity sleds. Then I realized it was the Red Bull Rampage—the premier free-ride mountain bike event in the world. Since 2003, Red Bull Rampage has been bringing riders from all over the planet to the southern Utah desert to ride a remote area near Zion known as Virgin, Utah. … read more

Revved Up: 2010 Powder Mountain Motocross- August 19-22

Revved Up: 2010 Powder Mountain Motocross- August 19-22

The mellow vibe, scenic landscape, and impending storm combined to make this year’s Powder Mountain Motocross one to remember. The four days of racing began on a rain soaked Thursday and treated the competitors to a mud-fest that tested the skills of even the craftiest riders. … read more

Candy Cranks: Global Feminine Bike Recon

Candy Cranks: Global Feminine Bike Recon

In a world (wide web) where typing “girls on bikes” into Google gives you boobs straddling top tubes, Candy Cranks is redirecting your search options. Founded by Meg Lofts in March of 2009, is where women from all over the globe come together to share all things bike-related from the female perspective. Why is such a place needed, a man might ask? Attend any sausage fest … I mean, bicycle event in Salt Lake City and it will be quite obvious that’s not where you go to meet the ladies. … read more



“I’ve lied, bullshitted, exaggerated and fabricated some incredibly ridiculous stories about the creation of the Pentabike design in order to lend some sort of dark credibility to the question,” says Dave Strunk, “but the reality is that it started in about 1989 or so when I was working in a book warehouse here in Denver.” According to Strunk, the book warehouse afforded him the luxury to begin seditiously planting the good, old-fashioned pentagram in many popular book titles being shipped to what he refers to as “religious propaganda stores across this great land.” … read more

Bicycle Film Festival in SLC

Bicycle Film Festival in SLC

On October 2-3, Salt Lake City was fortunate enough to host a stop of the first annual Bicycle Film Festival. Featuring films to satisfy every style of cyclist out there, the festival screenings ranged from bmx shorts to full-length mountain bike documentaries. … read more

A Punk Rocker’s Tale: Tall Bike Jousting in SLC

A Punk Rocker’s Tale: Tall Bike Jousting in SLC

The Tall Bike Joust held on May 15 is Salt Lake’s third joust and most popular freak bike event. Attracting citizens and cyclists from all walks of life—including hobos and cops—it can’t be described as less than epic. There’s just one question: What the fuck is tall bike jousting?! … read more

Pastry Cat: A Tasty Alternative to Bicycle Races

Pastry Cat: A Tasty Alternative to Bicycle Races

 Alley scat, pussy cat, alley kitten… no, these aren’t possible names for the next MTV produced “reality” band. In fact, they’re quite the opposite: former SLC bicycle race titles. Generally known as alley cats, these aren’t your every day Race for the Cure-type bike events.  … read more

SLC Bicycle Culture Art Show: The Gallery Roll

SLC Bicycle Culture Art Show: The Gallery Roll

One event clearly illustrates the community aspect of those who love cycling in Salt Lake City and, subsequently, captures the spirit of the entire month.  … read more

Don’t Kill the Messenger, Especially When the Roads are Slick

Don’t Kill the Messenger, Especially When the Roads are Slick

With cycling of all kinds becoming more popular, trendy even, the bike messenger’s job has become a romantic ideal for the teenage hipster. … read more