SLUG Style: Ashley Kinser of Glitter Gutter Glamour

SLUG Style: Ashley Kinser of Glitter Gutter Glamour

For Ashley Kinser, Utah native and creator behind the colorful accessory brand Glitter Gutter Glamour, art is a major facet of all things in life, including her personal style. … read more

SLUG Style: Nicole Morris of Omitted Youth

SLUG Style: Nicole Morris of Omitted Youth

Far from the cookie cutter and suburban wardrobes of her Michigan hometown, marketer and designer Nicole Morris feels that her rock n’ roll and bohemian-infused style that always stuck her out like a sore thumb has found a better home with the eclectic style of Salt Lake. … read more

SLUG Style: Helen Wade-Joice of The Stockist

SLUG Style: Helen Wade-Joice of The Stockist

The other half of the brother-sister ownership, Helen Wade-Joice, draws her style from the staples and rudimentary pieces adorning the shelves at The Stockist. “I personally love a classic, simple style. When I walk into a room, I want people to notice me, but I don’t need to be the center of everyone’s conversation,” she says. … read more

SLUG Style: Ian Wade of The Stockist

SLUG Style: Ian Wade of The Stockist

Some people dress for function, and some for fashion. Ian Wade, co-owner of 9th and 9th district boutique The Stockist by Fresh, prefers to take advantage of both. … read more