5 Exciting Movie Reviews

5 Exciting Movie Reviews

Reviews for the films Black Rock, Dirty Wars, Last Shop Standing, Star Trek: Into Darkness and Stories We Tell. … read more

Not Just Your Grandma’s Attic: A Closer Look at the Pioneer Memorial Museum

Not Just Your Grandma’s Attic: A Closer Look at the...

The first time I visited the Daughters of Utah Pioneers’ (DUP) Pioneer Memorial Museum (PMM), despite being heavily medicated and unable to articulate thoughts coherently, I left the museum in awe. I’d never seen anything like it. As a history nerd and a historical kitsch connoisseur, I knew I needed to work there. With the help of my adoptive grandma, I signed up to be a docent, and for the time I spent in Utah, I was a faithful volunteer for eight months.  … read more

Gallery Stroll: An Ode to Kayo Gallery

Gallery Stroll: An Ode to Kayo Gallery

When I found out the Kayo Gallery would be closing on July 13, all other Gallery Stroll activities ceased to interest me. Over the last nine years, I’ve followed the struggles and triumphs of this little gallery, which launched several careers, showcased international artists and anchored the Broadway Gallery Stroll scene.  … read more

Creature Feature: Femmale Fatale, An Interview with Sophia Scott

Creature Feature: Femmale Fatale, An Interview with Sophia Scott

Amid a group of performers whose goal is stylized femininity, Sophia Scott took to the stage in a suit, which he took off during the performance to reveal a gorgeous black dress, all while singing, rather than syncing. SLUG sat down with Scotty to talk about embracing his “femme-male” identity and about living and performing in Salt Lake City.  … read more

The Days God Slept: Short Film Review

The Days God Slept: Short Film Review

What secrets do we keep from those who love us? And how different is our perspective of our interactions with those around us compared to those whom we’re interacting with? The Days God Slept dives into these questions and more with some beautiful visual metaphors and poignant music.  … read more

BAD KIDS Present: Gods, Goddesses & Monsters Pageant @ Metro Bar 05.23

BAD KIDS Present: Gods, Goddesses & Monsters Pageant @ Metro...

Pre-Pride weekend 2013 kicked off deliciously under last Thursday’s gorgeous sunset at Salt Lake’s Metro Bar as four founding members of Salt Lake’s alternative drag scene, the Bad Kids, hosted a pageant for its expanding fanbase.  … read more

Domino Mexican Independent Film Tour 05.21-05.22

Domino Mexican Independent Film Tour 05.21-05.22

The two-day Domino Mexican Independent Film Tour festival exhibited both short– and feature-length films that showcased a snapshot of the unique perspective that Mexican film has to offer.  … read more

Green Jell-O and Prescription Pill Empowerment: The Righteous and Very Real Housewives of Utah County

Green Jell-O and Prescription Pill Empowerment: The Righteous and Very...

Utah’s newest theatre production company, Alligator Press Productions, has opened its first theatrical season with The Righteous and Very Real Housewives of Utah County—a world premiere containing six strong female roles. … read more

Movie Reviews 5/13

Movie Reviews 5/13

Reviews for the films The Company You Keep, Evil Dead, Oblivion, The Sapphires and Starbuck. … read more

FirstGlance Film Review: Unlaced

FirstGlance Film Review: Unlaced

It’s not too often that a film deals with the subject of domestic violence with the male being the victim, but Unlaced does a nice job showing how destructive it can be, no matter which partner is being abused.
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