Review: Straight Outta Compton

Review: Straight Outta Compton

It’s been nearly 30 years since Eazy-E, Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, DJ Yella and MC Ren banded together and created N.W.A and became one of the greatest rap groups to date. … read more

Review: Fantastic Four

Review: Fantastic Four

What a joyless turd. I guess the fourth time isn’t the charm either for these characters. Seriously, I was sincerely excited when it was announced that Chronicle director Josh Trank was going to be given the opportunity to FINALLY make a decent Fantastic Four film. … read more

TedxSaltLakeCity & Topher Horman: The Language Of Symbols

TedxSaltLakeCity & Topher Horman: The Language Of Symbols

2015 is the third year of TEDxSaltLakeCity, and the excitement that it has created in the valley has not died down. On Sept. 19, Kingsbury Hall will be filled with some of the brightest and most forward-thinking minds in the state, ready to share their insight and passion. Topher Horman, social semiotics guide and moment creator,

Mike Brown: Wet Goddess

Mike Brown: Wet Goddess

Over the years of having the privilege and headache of writing for SLUG, I have conducted several interviews. It’s always an interesting process. It’s not like writing an opinion piece where I just get to talk some shit for 900 words about whatever I want. With an interview, you never know what you are going

Review: Pixels

Review: Pixels

How I miss the days when I would walk into a theater with a beaming smile to see an Adam Sandler movie—Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, The Wedding Singer. … read more

Review: Bound to Vengeance (a.k.a. Reversal)

Review: Bound to Vengeance (a.k.a. Reversal)

Rather than spending the running time chained to the wall, though, Eve immediately smashes a brick across Phil’s face and frees herself. … read more

Mudson Leaps Into Its Fifth Anniversary Season

Mudson Leaps Into Its Fifth Anniversary Season

During Mudson’s final installation at the Masonic Temple, Breeanne Saxton—currently a guest dancer for Ririe-Woodbury through the fall season—performed an in-progress work that dealt with processing a death in her family. By the end of the piece, Saxton folded up small but precious objects into a towel and smashed them. The piece was well received:

Repertory Dance Theatre: Salient at 50

Repertory Dance Theatre: Salient at 50

Hasty comparisons are frequently made between Repertory Dance Theatre, Utah’s first modern dance company, and other local companies. As RDT celebrates its half-century contribution to the Utah arts scene, SLUG spoke with Linda C. Smith, a performer and choreographer with RDT since 1966, and now its current Executive and Artistic Director. Smith denies that RDT

Review: The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

Review: The Man From U.N.C.L.E.

In this rendition of The Man From U.N.C.L.E., Napoleon Solo is the CIA’s top agent, and Illya Kuryakin is the KGB’s most efficient operative. … read more

Review: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume 1

Review: Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume 1

So finally, 13 years after the original release, Volume 1 is available again through Shout! Factory. … read more