Parchment and Pallet: CLC Vintage Vendor

Parchment and Pallet: CLC Vintage Vendor

Parchment and Pallet “Be still, my heart,” I thought as I saw Jacqueline and Logan Whitmore bustling around their baby blue, 1950s Shasta trailer, making sure each item was nestled just right. Parchment and Pallet collect classic American retro items, mostly from the ’40s to the ’70s. You could find all sorts of gems

Salt Valley Vintage: CLC Vintage Vendor

Salt Valley Vintage: CLC Vintage Vendor

  Salt Valley Vintage Stepping into Jane Stringham’s apartment—which doubles as her work space—is like stepping into an episode of Mad Men. She has an eye for aesthetics that are clean, effortless and simultaneously charming, rich and, dare I say, groovy. Case in point: Hanging on her wall is a 1960s floral dress in

Review: Reyn, Volume 1: Warden of Fate

Review: Reyn, Volume 1: Warden of Fate

After a thousand years of darkness, monstrous creatures long forgotten rise up from the rubble and civilization depends on the last of the lost tribe of Wardens, Reyn. … read more

Review: Stumptown, Vol. 3

Review: Stumptown, Vol. 3

In the end, Rucka illustrates a message that sometimes we need to have faith in those we care about. Stumptown’s definitely worth a read. … read more

Review: The Walking Dead Volume 23: Whispers Into Screams

Review: The Walking Dead Volume 23: Whispers Into Screams

On a scale of One to Rad, this latest volume earns a solid “meh.” The sad thing is that this is actually a fairly decent volume, but after the set up at the end of Volume 22 (my review of which began with, “HOLY. FUCK.”), this feels like a massively missed opportunity by writer/creator Robert Kirkman. … read more

Review: Genius Vol. 1

Review: Genius Vol. 1

Bernardin and Freeman’s Genius started out as a winner for Top Cow’s 2008 Pilot Season annual competition. … read more

Review: The Newsroom: The Complete Third Season

Review: The Newsroom: The Complete Third Season

As a fan of The Newsroom since the epic first 8 minutes of the pilot episode, I have to say I’m disappointed that the final season was shortened to just six episodes. … read more

Review: Workaholics: Season Five

Review: Workaholics: Season Five

The juvenile antics both at the office and their rental pad by Adam, Blake and Ders is a great way to chuckle through a weekend. Season Five brings the boys back with 13 episodes of doing some of the dumbest things guys in their twenties do. … read more

Review: Long Walk to Valhalla

Review: Long Walk to Valhalla

Long Walk to Valhalla Writer: Adam Smith Artist: Matthew Fox Publisher: Archaia Street: 07.21 The beauty of graphic novels is they are able to do things that movies and books could never get away with. It’s the only medium that can graciously combine bleak, real world settings and situations with high-concept mind-fuckery. Long Walk to

Review: Witchblade – Borne Again,  Vol. 2

Review: Witchblade – Borne Again, Vol. 2

Witchblade tells the tale of NYPD homicide detective Sara Pezzini, and her adventures in supernatural crime-fighting. … read more