Review: Suicide Risk: Volume Five–Scorched Earth

Review: Suicide Risk: Volume Five–Scorched Earth

Suicide Risk: Volume Five–Scorched Earth Writer: Mike Carey Artist: Elena Casagrande IDW Street: 09.16 When we last left off, the poop had figuratively hit the fan. The fourth volume of this graphic novel series Suicide Risk ended with the long-lost wife from our hero’s former life realizing who she is, understanding what’s happened and promptly

Review: Atlantis

Review: Atlantis

Atlantis BBC Home Entertainment Street: 08.18 Atlantis is a medieval-fantasy show that comes from our friends across the pond. There’s gods that need appeasing and weddings to be planned in the second half of season two. Everything naturally goes awry and it’s entertaining enough. The show lacks a certain je ne sais quoi—it’s missing that

Review: The Lion Of Rora

Review: The Lion Of Rora

Those comic readers who are up on their 16 century European history may find a sweet spot in their heart for Lion of Rora, but outside of that, I can’t imagine the average comic book fan adding this to their pile. … read more

Review: Run Love Kill

Review: Run Love Kill

Run Love Kill follows Rain, a gifted soldier and assassin who discovers that she may be fighting for the wrong side. It’s all a fairly familiar storyline with some very familiar tropes. … read more

Review: Elementary: The Complete Third Season

Review: Elementary: The Complete Third Season

Elementary’s main difference doesn’t lie with Sherlock, but with his sidekick, Watson. Instead of a John Watson, we have a Joan Watson—it’s also set in New York instead of London. … read more

Krissie Shelley: A Voice For All Of The Misfits

Krissie Shelley: A Voice For All Of The Misfits

“The Totally Real Podcast That is Real” is a podcast that sets out to ask funny people serious questions. … read more

Review: Supernatural: Season 10

Review: Supernatural: Season 10

Even though paranormal drama is well represented in today’s TV land, Supernatural’s cocktail of humor and horror seems to have picked up where its predecessors left off. … read more

Review: Out of the Vault: Halloween Collection

Review: Out of the Vault: Halloween Collection

It’s that time of year again, folks—the holidays are upon us. This means that TV shows will start showing their holiday episodes. … read more

We Live For Funny: The Evolution Of The Utah Comedy Scene

We Live For Funny: The Evolution Of The Utah Comedy...

SLUG sat down for a beer with three veteran comics on the Utah scene, and we got to know things about Utah comedy that even its Bishop doesn’t know. … read more

An Evening with Cancer: Reviewing “Wit” by Wasatch Theatre

An Evening with Cancer: Reviewing “Wit” by Wasatch Theatre

Wit was one of the most exceptional, beautiful productions I’ve seen in a long time. I don’t remember the last time I cried so much and laughed so hard. … read more