Review: Being Evel

Review: Being Evel

Director Daniel Junge helms Being Evel that operates in the same entertaining fashion as previous hip Sundance films … read more

Review: The Perfect Guy

Review: The Perfect Guy

You could see that last one coming a mile away. That’s it. Everything about this production screams amateur hour. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Tyson Call

Contributor Limelight: Tyson Call
By ,

Tyson Call started with SLUG over a year ago, and he quickly has proven to be a SLUG staple with his deft writing and sharp photography skills. Since joining, Call has taken on double duty shooting and writing the monthly online column SLUG Style to shed light on members of our community doing good while

Review: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Review: Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

The Scorch Trials begins exactly where the last one ended, and Thomas and friends find themselves in an eerie lockdown fortress where something is amiss. … read more

Familia: An Interview with Ella Mendoza

Familia: An Interview with Ella Mendoza

In the past couple of years, Utah has incubated many fantastic local organizations that help Utah residents in various ways, but few are quite as badass as Utah’s Familia: Trans Queer Liberation Movement. … read more

Melanie Rae Thon: The Landscape of Language

Melanie Rae Thon: The Landscape of Language

Imaginative experience is a tenet of author Melanie Rae Thon’s written work, which examines the subtle, complicated and profound beauties of life through animated, lyrical storytelling. As a professor of Creative Writing and Environmental Humanities at the University of Utah and an author of four novels and three short story collections, Thon has committed her

Review: Cooties

Review: Cooties

At times, I can’t tell whether Cooties directors Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion were offering a raunchy black comedy or a serious zombie flick. … read more

Mike Brown: How I Broke into the Wild World of Mormon Fashion

Mike Brown: How I Broke into the Wild World of...

My friend Laura Kiechle always seems to be happy about her job. Me, on the other hand, I almost always hate my jobs. I think it’s natural to always hate your job because if you don’t, how do you enjoy your time off? People who love their jobs must hate their days off. I, on

Tusk Sculpture: A Welcome Challenge

Tusk Sculpture: A Welcome Challenge

Currently, Tusk Sculpture is winding up the finer details on Kesler’s most massive sculpture to date: mother and calf humpback whales, both built to scale and clocking in at 50 feet long and 20 feet long, respectively. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Ghouls and Gore Galore

Gallery Stroll: Ghouls and Gore Galore

October is one of my favorite months—the change in season brings cool temperatures, autumn colors and the most imaginative holiday North America celebrates: Halloween! It’s a holiday that embraces the human psyche, with all its hopes, fears, fantasies and cravings, and it’s a natural muse for artists—hence why October’s Gallery Stroll is not to miss.