Sundance Film Review: The Fits

Sundance Film Review: The Fits

Toni (Royalty Hightower) trains in the boxing gym with the boys in The Fits. She executes more sit-ups than I could dream of doing at this stage in my life—the same with pull-ups. Her jabs look mean. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Dead Hands Dig Deep

Slamdance Film Review: Dead Hands Dig Deep

With a slasher flick, you may experience moments that make you jump or cringe, but in Dead Hands Dig Deep, you have no comfort of escaping the reality of what’s on screen. Everything you see is real, and it’s bloody as hell. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: MAD

Slamdance Film Review: MAD

After finalizing her late-in-life divorce, Mel finds herself crying uncontrollably and past the point of a nervous breakdown. Connie and Casey, her two adult daughters, convince her to spend a week in the psych ward. As the three women try to work through their own uncertainties, what ensues is MAD—mutually assured destruction—a farcical dramedy that manages to be both biting and poignant. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: 1ha 43a

Slamdance Film Review: 1ha 43a

When visual artist Monika Pirch inherits of plot of farmland, she embarks on a poetic and multifaceted exploration of the field in an effort to reconnect with her ancestry and the soil. Her deeply personal quest simultaneously sheds valuable light onto some of the most impactful, consequential, and very real questions of our world. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Fursonas

Slamdance Film Review: Fursonas

The furry fandom is as closely knit and enthusiastic as it is diverse and complicated. Fursonas takes us behind-the-scenes to get to know a few of the faces and fuzzy tails that make up the furry community. … read more

Steven Anderson Doodles In The Details

Steven Anderson Doodles In The Details

Steven Anderson fixates on details—it’s a big part of what makes his zine, Dithering Doodles, so fascinating. He pauses mid-story to make sure he hasn’t missed something. Sometimes it’s a detail so seemingly inconsequential that it’s hard to see how the anecdote would be different if it took place in early October instead of late September, but those are the things that matter to Anderson. … read more

The Power of Family Feuds: Sonia and Masha and Spike Presented by Wasatch Theatre

The Power of Family Feuds: Sonia and Masha and Spike...

Wasatch Theatre Company has never disappointed me with their performances. Their directors are dedicated, the actors are top-notch and the designers succeed in making the play and director’s vision a reality. … read more

Park City: Partying Since Before It Could Ski

Park City: Partying Since Before It Could Ski

The magic in Park City as a destination for entertainment does not come only from its tourism. The local community, the people who live and work in Park City every day, are who build the foundation for the town’s energy. … read more

SLUG Style: Onza Winston

SLUG Style: Onza Winston

Onza Winston is the operations manager for Discrete Clothing, an outdoor clothing company based in Salt Lake City. He is also a veteran of the Marine Corps, and was deployed twice to Iraq. … read more

Random Breakfast: Stepping Into the Gaming Industry

Random Breakfast: Stepping Into the Gaming Industry

There’s plenty going on in the gaming industry right here in our backyard, and we need to start feeding those flames by supporting local game creators. One group of students has started a small gaming studio called Random Breakfast, and their first game, StepPets, hit the app store on Dec. 1. … read more