Slamdance Film Review: A Dog’s Death

Slamdance Film Review: A Dog’s Death

Matías Ganz’s A Dog’s Death is a top-notch thriller that unravels the absurd and violent consequences of class and racial discrimination. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Identifying Features (Sin Señas Particulares)

Sundance Film Review: Identifying Features (Sin Señas Particulares)

Identifying Features (Sin Señas Particulares) is a harrowing narrative about Magdalena (Mercedes Hernández), who seeks her lost, adolescent son, Jesús (Juan Jesús Varela). … read more

Sundance Film Review: La Llorona

Sundance Film Review: La Llorona

La Llorona is a good way to get your fix for a socially aware, supernatural psychological/revenge thriller at Sundance 2020. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Tapeworm

Slamdance Film Review: Tapeworm

Ultimately Tapeworm is a film that by all rights should be incredibly dull. It breaks every convention of good storytelling and manages to be captivating. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Summertime

Sundance Film Review: Summertime

Summertime Sundance Film Festival Director: Carlos López Estrada Opening with a girl wearing roller skates, singing poetry into her guitar on a pier in Venice Beach, Summertime establishes the plot as a snapshot in the day of a life of different teens and young adults around Los Angeles. There are many characters in the story,

Film Review: The Song of Names

Film Review: The Song of Names

The Song of Names is gripping, but it’s almost never convincing. Despite some genuinely great elements, it feels wholly manufactured and uninspired. … read more

Major’s Flavors and Drag—The Queer Spice of Life

Major’s Flavors and Drag—The Queer Spice of Life

SLUG had the great displeasure of attending the Major’s Flavors event which showcased some of the most grossly beautiful creatures we’ve ever featured. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Jasper Mall

Slamdance Film Review: Jasper Mall

The documentary Jasper Mall illustrates the mediocre hum of an Alabama shopping-center’s current market that once housed a myriad of different storefronts. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Murmur

Slamdance Film Review: Murmur

Writer-director Heather Young approaches the themes of love, loneliness and dependence from a different angle in her award-winning feature debut, Murmur. … read more

SLUG Style: McKenzie Steele Foster

SLUG Style: McKenzie Steele Foster

This month’s SLUG Style features McKenzie Steele Foster, an actress, writer and artist who is currently featured in Independence University commercials. … read more