
Slamdance Film Review: Máxima
Máxima is a must-see for anyone who feels they can’t make an impact—the film is proof that the willingness to fight for what is right can make a difference. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Tapeworm
Ultimately Tapeworm is a film that by all rights should be incredibly dull. It breaks every convention of good storytelling and manages to be captivating. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: The Professional: A Stevie Blatz Story
The Professional is an apt title for a film about someone going through the realest hustle, of owning one’s own business and trying to keep a life together around it. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Hotel Coolgardie
Pete Gleeson’s documentary, “Coolgardie,” is about a remote town in Western Australia. After getting their credit cards stolen and travel savings drained in Bali, Finnish travellers Lina and Steph decide to work in the town’s pub, hoping to replenish their funds. Coolgardie, however, isn’t anything close to what Lina and Steph were prepared for. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Supergirl
Naomi Kutin is a fairly normal, Orthodox Jewish, preteen girl growing in New Jersey. The only catch: She is also a world-record-breaking powerlifter, who, at one point in the movie Supergirl, deadlifts almost three times her body weight. … read more