Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate

Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate

This is political, personal and requires you to confront yourself. It’s hard, and it’s a space we should all try to live in more earnestly. Speaking Volumes: Transforming Hate runs until June 2 at the Springville Museum of Art. … read more

SLUG Style: Morgaine Fehlauer

SLUG Style: Morgaine Fehlauer

Morgaine Fehlauer is a print maker, a sex educator and the owner of Grave Noise Press, the only privately owned stone lithography press in the western U.S. … read more

SLUG Style: Jordan “JordiRoc” Simmons

SLUG Style: Jordan “JordiRoc” Simmons

Jordan “JordiRoc” Simmons is a freestyle dancer, event organizer, and artist from New Jersey now residing in Salt Lake City. … read more

To Infinity: An Interview with Wren Ross

To Infinity: An Interview with Wren Ross

For her upcoming exhibition at the Utah Museum Of Contemporary Art (UMOCA), Wren Ross has been continually looking upward for inspiration. The celestial—specifically, the study of archeoastronomy—has moved Ross to create artistic renditions of maps and atlases. … read more

SLUG Style: Jordan Blok

SLUG Style: Jordan Blok

“I think my interest in fashion came from owning that message [of identity] and owning that narrative,” says Blok. “And whether that’s dressing more masculine or more feminine or more androgynous, I’m really owning how the clothes I wear present and communicate who I am.” … read more

Goodnight 2017: UMOCA’s 2018 Galleries

Goodnight 2017: UMOCA’s 2018 Galleries

the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (UMOCA) put on a fabulous all-museum exhibition opening for five new shows from dozens of artists, including a collection curated by Earl Gravy. Artist in residence Justin Watson also unveiled a curated project of 30 artists, and UMOCA’s smaller galleries are now home to some excellent works by Eric Overton and Merrit Johnson, all exploring physical and political landscapes through nontraditional inquiry. … read more

Hyperreal: Adam Watkins’ Echoes of a Morning Star

Hyperreal: Adam Watkins’ Echoes of a Morning Star

As you head down the stairs at Bountiful Davis Art Center, you see the first piece of Echoes of a Morning Star, Adam Watkins’ collection of photographic tableaus. From his BeneathME series, the piece is titled The Mirror. … read more

Personal/Public: Artist Jorge Rojas on Performance

Personal/Public: Artist Jorge Rojas on Performance

For the last 10 years, Jorge Rojas has focused on performance art, veering between intimate moments and dramatic gestures, drawing from lived and shared experience, intercultural and contemporary identity, and much more. … read more

Your Demon or Your Angel: Noah Jackson and Jacob Haupt

Your Demon or Your Angel: Noah Jackson and Jacob Haupt

Nox’s upcoming show between Jacob Haupt and Noah Jackson could not exist without the friendship the two share. Angels Don’t Cry, Demons Don’t Cry is a collaboration between them, which feels de facto for the pair. … read more

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Janell James

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Janell James

Of 15 total, Desire Lines features three local artists, Jane Christensen, Janell James and Kelly Larsen, who discuss their participation in the show. … read more