Your Demon or Your Angel: Noah Jackson and Jacob Haupt

Your Demon or Your Angel: Noah Jackson and Jacob Haupt

Nox’s upcoming show between Jacob Haupt and Noah Jackson could not exist without the friendship the two share. Angels Don’t Cry, Demons Don’t Cry is a collaboration between them, which feels de facto for the pair. … read more

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Janell James

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Janell James

Of 15 total, Desire Lines features three local artists, Jane Christensen, Janell James and Kelly Larsen, who discuss their participation in the show. … read more

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Kelly Larsen

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Kelly Larsen

UMOCA Desire Lines artist Kelly Larsen says, “After 15 years of sculpting self-identity and exploring various art material, I have come to a place of working with community and using non-art material.” … read more

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Jane Christensen

Desire Lines at UMOCA: Jane Christensen

Of 15 total, Desire Lines features three local artists, Jane Christensen, Janell James and Kelly Larsen, who discuss their participation in the show. … read more

Finding a Home: Art Makes an Impact at the Rio Gallery

Finding a Home: Art Makes an Impact at the Rio...

The brainchild of local professional artist and curator Clinton Whiting, Art In The Home is a meditation on the powerful impact that owning original works can sustain for families who might not otherwise access them. … read more

Hirad Sab: Art for an Anarchic Future

Hirad Sab: Art for an Anarchic Future

Scrolling through local artist Hirad Sab’s website is like watching a strange, distorted projection of the not-so-far-off future unfold in front of you. Sleek chrome bodies fall away into glitching, semi-recognizable landscapes while the line between organic matter and digital projections blurs beyond distinction. … read more

Quiet Heroes: Kristen Ries and Maggie Snyder’s Legacy at Sundance

Quiet Heroes: Kristen Ries and Maggie Snyder’s Legacy at Sundance

Through home video, archival material and more, Quiet Heroes compellingly highlights Kristen Ries’ and Maggie Snyder’s exceptional work and compassion. … read more

Another Valley: Granary Art Center

Another Valley: Granary Art Center

The exhibits in Granary each explore the idea of travel and presence: the anxiety and compulsion to travel, to document and to frame—to have been somewhere and, years later, still be unraveling what it all means. … read more

Two Sides of the Self: M/M at Slamdance

Two Sides of the Self: M/M at Slamdance

M/M is a beautifully shot, modern and stylish film by director Drew Lint, and will show at the 2018 Slamdance Film Festival. … read more

Indie Filmmakers Assemble: Joe and Anthony Russo Return to Slamdance

Indie Filmmakers Assemble: Joe and Anthony Russo Return to Slamdance

Before Joe and Anthony Russo became well-known directors by helming key episodes of Arrested Development and Community, and eventually taking the reins of Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Civil War, the brothers were like most indie filmmakers—passionate, starving and driven. … read more