Melanie Rae Thon: The Landscape of Language
Imaginative experience is a tenet of author Melanie Rae Thon’s written work, which examines the subtle, complicated and profound beauties of life through animated, lyrical storytelling. As a professor of Creative Writing and Environmental Humanities at the University of Utah and an author of four novels and three short story collections, Thon has committed her
Mike Brown: How I Broke into the Wild World of...
My friend Laura Kiechle always seems to be happy about her job. Me, on the other hand, I almost always hate my jobs. I think it’s natural to always hate your job because if you don’t, how do you enjoy your time off? People who love their jobs must hate their days off. I, on
Tusk Sculpture: A Welcome Challenge
Currently, Tusk Sculpture is winding up the finer details on Kesler’s most massive sculpture to date: mother and calf humpback whales, both built to scale and clocking in at 50 feet long and 20 feet long, respectively. … read more
Gallery Stroll: Ghouls and Gore Galore
October is one of my favorite months—the change in season brings cool temperatures, autumn colors and the most imaginative holiday North America celebrates: Halloween! It’s a holiday that embraces the human psyche, with all its hopes, fears, fantasies and cravings, and it’s a natural muse for artists—hence why October’s Gallery Stroll is not to miss.
Aaron Wallis Street Bible
Aaron Wallis honors socially defined criminal titans such as the Black Panther leaders, rappers and cultural icons as neatly block print/screen print/intaglio-designed images that elicit one to question our beliefs about the corruption of our political and religious systems. … read more
Go, Find and Make Your Own Friends: Brian Bress @...
Brian Bress’ work is characterized, literally, by a motley squad of imaginative, humanoid figures—friends—crafted out of upholstery foam, clay, paint, found objects and, in some instances, googly eyes. … read more
Krissie Shelley: A Voice For All Of The Misfits
“The Totally Real Podcast That is Real” is a podcast that sets out to ask funny people serious questions. … read more
We Live For Funny: The Evolution Of The Utah Comedy...
SLUG sat down for a beer with three veteran comics on the Utah scene, and we got to know things about Utah comedy that even its Bishop doesn’t know. … read more
An Evening with Cancer: Reviewing “Wit” by Wasatch Theatre
Wit was one of the most exceptional, beautiful productions I’ve seen in a long time. I don’t remember the last time I cried so much and laughed so hard. … read more
SLUG Style: Courtney Marriott
Every month, SLUG Style features a distinct and unique member of the community and asks them why they do what they do. … read more
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