Sound, Symbolism & Meter: Utah Poetry – PoetFlow

Sound, Symbolism & Meter: Utah Poetry – PoetFlow

In the past two years, many have found in PoetFlow a safe haven: a place to share intimate things in a public setting as a kind of therapy. … read more

RJ Walker: Helping the Youth Find Their Voice

RJ Walker: Helping the Youth Find Their Voice

RJ Walker says that bringing slam poets to schools helps to actively engage kids’ interests—especially when introducing street-level poets, whom they can identify with. … read more

Creature Feature: Aphrodeity

Creature Feature: Aphrodeity

Aphrodeity (or Ryan Flowers) is a sweet, sensual, seductive siren who lures unsuspecting victims in with her charm, wit and sex appeal. … read more

SLUG Style: Michaela Dransfield

SLUG Style: Michaela Dransfield

Michaela Dransfield is a bartender with a style all her own. We met up at her local haunt, Under Current, and asked her what inspires her distinct look. … read more

Holystone Distilling

Holystone Distilling

Holystone Distilling represents reverence for the process of distilling, humility before our customers, dedication to the craft and a strong work ethic. … read more

The Untethered Whiskey: Black Feather

The Untethered Whiskey: Black Feather

Jeremy Rawle, Jay Williams and Matthew Seegmiller are the heart and soul of Black Feather Whiskey, a true American spirit, now available in your local Utah State Liquor Store. … read more

Waterpocket Distillery: Open Wild and Explore

Waterpocket Distillery: Open Wild and Explore

Since Waterpocket Distillery opened this year, their compelling flavors have been used in cocktails served by the coolest bars in Salt Lake. … read more

The Desert’s Well: Lake Effect

The Desert’s Well: Lake Effect

Lake Effect is beyond capable of satisfying a more potent palette. Don’t miss the Latin-inspired kitchen, there’s something here for everyone. … read more

The Desert’s Well: Copper Common

The Desert’s Well: Copper Common

The world may never know what constitutes a great bar but, if I had to point one out for reference, Copper Common would be on that list. … read more

Booze You Should Choose

Booze You Should Choose

With the bevy of new distilleries opening in Utah there’s a lot to sort through. Here’s a handy set of reviews to save you time at the store. … read more