Slamdance Film Festival 2019 – The Vast of Night

Slamdance Film Festival 2019 – The Vast of Night

Aside from radio, much of the film revolves around the exploration of then-newfound technology—tape recorders, broadband interference and fluorescent lights. This plot point provides The Vast of Night with a timely message. … read more

SLUG Style: Rebecca Baker

SLUG Style: Rebecca Baker

Rebecca Baker is a librarian and grad student. She is a paper and print maker, and has her own zine called That Smarts. … read more

Alternate Sensations: Stephanie Leaks

Alternate Sensations: Stephanie Leaks

Earlier this year, Stephanie Leaks identified as an alt-sensory poet, which they describe as an exploration of abstract feelings that’s grounded in physical sensation. … read more

Dueling in Duality: Amy Irvine’s Call to Cabal

Dueling in Duality: Amy Irvine’s Call to Cabal

Amy Irvine is indeed seeking to drum up a different dialogue and practice around the patriarchal origins of being in and fighting for the wild—and the often grossly individualistic entitlement to wild spaces and resources. … read more

Postcards From London by Lynn Kilpatrick

Postcards From London by Lynn Kilpatrick

These micro-essays are part of a longer series, “Postcards from London,” which Lynn Kilpatrick wrote after taking students on a Study Abroad class to London where she stayed at a hostel on Cromwell Road in Kensington. … read more

Moving Past Metaphor: LITerally Podcast

Moving Past Metaphor: LITerally Podcast

In the years since LITerally’s first episode, Johnstun’s goal of breaching the isolating nature of literature publication has blossomed in unprecedented ways. … read more

A Peculiar Journal

A Peculiar Journal

Backed by a Kickstarter campaign, the staff—whom Aaron Gates says they refer to as their “peculiar family”—released their first issue in May of 2015, 80 pages that featured 21 Utah-based LGBTQ+ writers. … read more

What the Tuck?: Tucker White of Chthonic Releases a Book!

What the Tuck?: Tucker White of Chthonic Releases a Book!

The aim for Tucker White is not to become the traditional sense of a “writer,” but to sit down and unveil the story hidden in the nooks and crannies of his subconscious by writing through improvisation. … read more

Working to Meet Diverse Community Needs Results in Building a Strong Community

Working to Meet Diverse Community Needs Results in Building a...

Salt Lake Community College’s Community Writing Center, located in Library Square, has been helping writers of all abilities for 17 years. The CWC provides many services to anyone in the community looking for assistance with whatever writing project they are working on. … read more

Heavy Lifting: Works by Molly Morin

Heavy Lifting: Works by Molly Morin

Molly Morin’s works are grounded in the sport and spirit of weightlifting but suspended in the relevance of humans maneuvering through their internalized circuitry. … read more