Consolidated: Fighting The Evil System

Consolidated: Fighting The Evil System

This is no rock n’ roll band. It’s a democratically executed forum of social and political transformation. Check out SLUG’s archived Consolidated column. … read more

Record Reviews: March 1992

Record Reviews: March 1992
By , , , ,

Catch up with SLUG’s latest archived batch of record reviews from all your favorite vintage writers like, Scott Vice, Charlee, M and more! … read more

Trapped by the Mormons March 20-22 @ the Tower Theatre

Trapped by the Mormons March 20-22 @ the Tower Theatre

The 1922 film focusing on the cultish actions and schemes of a pair of the LDS Chruch titled Trapped by the Mormons is playing at the Tower Theatre. … read more

Interview: Toad the Wet Sprocket

Interview: Toad the Wet Sprocket

Toad the Wet Sprocket talks about their 1992 tour and controversial song, “Hold Her Down.” … read more

Salt Lake Indies

Salt Lake Indies

All the news about record releases from R.U. dead, Semaphore, Siren Song and Flatline Records.
… read more

Record Reviews: February 1991

Record Reviews: February 1991
By , ,

Very musically tight, these three guys express feeling and imagery through strong, deep lyrics and fair-paced tunes that have a on-stop flow. … read more

Concert Reviews: January 1993

Concert Reviews: January 1993
By , ,

Salt Flat CD Release Party: I think the evening was successful, I hope the CD does as well as the show does. … read more

Concert Reviews: December 1991

Concert Reviews: December 1991
By , , ,

Blur, England’s most shaggable band, took the stage at DV8 and took over the minds of the audience who were left to shake their heads. … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: December 1991

Notes From The Industrial Underground: December 1991

Advice for the young: get your asses to Foetus. I promise it will be one of the great shows of 1991 for Salt Lake. … read more