Film Review: Aelita: Queen of Mars

Film Review: Aelita: Queen of Mars

Welcome to Mars, a planet with pretty strict immigration policies and a third of its populace packed away on ice. A land where luscious Queen Aelita reigns but doesn’t rule! … read more

Literature: September 1992

Literature: September 1992

Both writers deserve to be read. McKenna’s work adds a rich cultural perspective to the argument against the War On Drugs as an excuse to wage war on the people of different cultures. The book is without apology, and for this it should be commended. … read more

Concert Review: August 1992

Concert Review: August 1992
By , ,

DV8 certainly packs in the crowds for shows. No matter what you may think of the club or its reputation, it’s still a great place to see shows. … read more

Book Review: July 1992

Book Review: July 1992

In The Blood by Nancy Collins is good, but it will only satisfy the literary thirst of true vampire fans. … read more

Comic Book Review: July 1992

Comic Book Review: July 1992

All of these are, or will be, available at various locations around the valley, so your humble reviewer suggests you attempt to find copies of all three. You won’t regret it.
… read more

Pagans of Utah: July 1992

Pagans of Utah: July 1992

This is the second in a two-part series on spellcraft using things that smell good: more creative aspects of working with your nose to change your consciousness. … read more

Record Review: July 1992

Record Review: July 1992
By , , ,

Superchunk is an excellent introduction into the progression of a pleasing new noise. I hope you can check them out.  … read more

Support The Socialist Alternative

Support The Socialist Alternative

The Socialist Workers candidates urge working people, youth, and all who want to fight the increasingly reactionary course of the Democratic and Republican parties. … read more

Paganism in Utah: June 1992

Paganism in Utah: June 1992

Aromatic herbs, wood, resins, flowers, mosses and animal scents have been prized and sought after for their many uses and powerful physiological, psychological and spiritual effects. … read more

Concert Reviews: June 1992

Concert Reviews: June 1992

Yes, the Bar & Grill has been hoppin’. Yes, a dark little bar with a dance floor and stage at the back. I would have never guessed shows could be so fun there, but they are. … read more