The Northface Masters: Big Lines in Little Cottonwood

The Northface Masters: Big Lines in Little Cottonwood

For the second consecutive season, the North Face Masters Contest Series kicked off at Snowbird Resort. … read more

Not Just Another Day in Salt Lake

Not Just Another Day in Salt Lake

Last year in late spring, I got to break away from the scene with Derek Dennison and Jace Foster to head up to Ogden for a day of fun-inthe- sun urban snowboarding. … read more

SLUG Games: Beat the Pro

SLUG Games: Beat the Pro

On Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009 an arsenal of kids armed with skis and snowboards went head to head against pro skiers and riders at The Canyons in the SLUG Games and Celtek Gloves Beat the Pro contest, the second and final SLUG Games comp of the season. … read more

Brian Berec

Brian Berec

Hailing from the garbage state (New Jersey), Brian Berec moved out to SLC seven years ago. He came out here to snowboard and explore as many spots that I could find on and off the mountain, he says. … read more

Photo Feature: Mikey LeBlanc

Photo Feature: Mikey LeBlanc

It’s a rare day that Mikey LeBlanc is jumping off something that has anything but a completely flat landing. … read more

Photo Feature: Darrell Mathes

Photo Feature: Darrell Mathes

Andy Wright’s took this awesome photo of Darrell Mathes hitting a rail in Ogden. … read more

Candy Land Candy Jam

Candy Land Candy Jam

Brighton Ski Resort is the epicenter of all things new, hip and ridiculous in snow culture today. The resort was also the first stop of the 2009 SLUG Games. The Candy Land Candy Jam was held on Jan. 10, 2009 on a brisk, sunny day at Brighton. … read more

Six Feet Under

Six Feet Under

It’s that time again – frigid temperatures, frosted windshields, frozen locks, short days and cold hard ground. Winter is like being locked in an insane asylum for five months. Most people fatten up on calories and hibernate behind locked doors, but not skateboarders. We’re too fucking ADD for it. … read more

The Bro (Not Pro) Checkout

The Bro (Not Pro) Checkout

For the past three years that I have worked at Brighton there has been one familiar face that I always see. I had never really talked to him, but we would give the occasional Hello and get on with our business. His name is Eric Achter and he has been living the dream at Brighton Ski Resort for 40 years. … read more

Skate Park Etiquette

Skate Park Etiquette

No God-damned graffiti at the skate park! There is never any reason for you and your little punk friends to put up any tags or awful artwork at the park, even if you are the most badass local there. … read more