Jazz Jam 2010 @ Brighton

Jazz Jam 2010 @ Brighton

Last Saturday was the 2nd Annual Jazz Jam up at Brighton, and if it was going to be anything like last year, I was excited to go. Even though it wasn’t sunny and warm like last year, the setup was still the good’s and despite the blizzard, somewhere around 60 or 70 people came out to jam and get a Jazz jersey. The jam kicked off around 11:30 just as the snow and wind came down like the hammer of Thor. … read more

Thirty Two Day at Brighton 03.02.10

Thirty Two Day at Brighton 03.02.10

As I’m chilling at the top of the banked slalom course that the Brighton Park Crew built for ThirtyTwo Day, waiting my turn to drop, I realize I’m standing amongst some of Salt Lake’s finest amateur shredders. I immediately start thinking, “I’m totally fucked…” … read more

Photo Feature: Robbie Walker

Photo Feature: Robbie Walker

Wall rides are pretty fickle tricks. The basic variety have been pretty played out the last few years, but with a bit of creativity and/or consequence involved, there is still quite a bit of value in this type of maneuver. Robbie Walker surprised a lot of people with his urban boarding skills this past winter and maybe not more so than with this high-to-low wallride session. … read more

Nikita Chickita

Nikita Chickita

Brighton resort was the place to be Feb. 20 where the Nikita Chickita all-girls snowboard competition, sponsored by Skullcandy, ShredBetties and Nikita (of course), took place at the lower Majestic terrain park.  With over 40 riders competing for a $2000 total prize purse for the Pros and a 1-year Nikita flow-sponsorship contract up for grabs for the Ams. These riders were stoked and ready to show some of the best female snowboarding around today. … read more

Milk and Cookies

Milk and Cookies

The keeper of this kingdom is Spencer England and behind the hanger doors lay the formations of his imagination, coined “Milk and Cookies.” Before you go blabbering on about how your friend has a mini ramp too, let me set something straight—there is no other ramp out there as pristine and diverse as this one and I’m still just talking about the ramp. I haven’t even mentioned the big screen TV, climbing wall, man-sized BBQ grill and arcade games. … read more

Derby Girls: Valkyries on Wheels

Derby Girls: Valkyries on Wheels

There is a strange primeval pleasure found in the company of a woman who is capable of beating my ass to a pulp. Last week I was watching tryouts for the Salt City Shakers—The Salt City Derby Girls All-Star team—and I heard a story about an unidentified Shaker nearly banned from the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association for hauling off and punching some high-falutin harpy from Los Angeles square in the face. Valkyries on wheels! Sleeve-tattooed Vixens! Be still my heart! … read more



“I’ve lied, bullshitted, exaggerated and fabricated some incredibly ridiculous stories about the creation of the Pentabike design in order to lend some sort of dark credibility to the question,” says Dave Strunk, “but the reality is that it started in about 1989 or so when I was working in a book warehouse here in Denver.” According to Strunk, the book warehouse afforded him the luxury to begin seditiously planting the good, old-fashioned pentagram in many popular book titles being shipped to what he refers to as “religious propaganda stores across this great land.” … read more

SLUG Games: Prom Jam

SLUG Games: Prom Jam

This year The SLUG Games had a new twist: it was a Prom Jam filled with all the amenities you could ask for.  It was high school all over again, except the gym was filled with snow, and instead of some strange middle aged dude with something to prove breathing down your neck, you were allowed and encouraged to get buck. Whether you prefer skis or a snowboard, the course was set up to shred up. … read more

The Northface Masters 2010: Stop 1

The Northface Masters 2010: Stop 1

After two long days of suspension due to crappy weather, the 3rd annual Northface Masters kicked off on a beautiful morning on Monday, January 25.  If you’ve never heard of it, the North Face Masters is one of the first big-mountain snowboarding competition tours meant to help bring back what some riders feel is the root of snowboarding, riding deep pow and hucking yourself off cliffs.  The Masters fills a huge competition gap in snowboarding, with less than a handful of other big-mountain competitions in the United States today.   
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30 Days in the Valley: A Snowboard Odyssey

30 Days in the Valley: A Snowboard Odyssey

Over the last month Utah was been the hot spot for events especially those of the snow persuasion. Not only did we have the Winter Dew Tour rolling through for the first time ever, we also held the final Grand Prix of Snowboarding contest to determine who would be heading to Vancouver to respect Team America (fuck yeah!), played host to the X-Dance film festival for it’s 10th anniversary and also received about 8 ft. of snow in a week making for some last minute photo shoots and epic riding conditions in an otherwise lack luster early season. Fortunately (and unfortunately) I was there to observe it all for you! … read more