Bikes & Booze

Bikes & Booze

Whatever your preference, it can’t be denied that bicycles and booze make quite the pairing, and it just so happens that this salty city of ours knows how to keep the beer brewing and the pedals pumping in harmony. Whether you’re a hard-core pedal pusher or just a fun-lover looking to add a little endorphin rush to your weekend boozing, read on. … read more

Bikes & Booze

Bikes & Booze

Whatever your preference, it can’t be denied that bicycles and booze make quite the pairing, and it just so happens that this salty city of ours knows how to keep the beer brewing and the pedals pumping in harmony. Whether you’re a hard-core pedal pusher or just a fun-lover looking to add a little endorphin rush to your weekend boozing, read on. … read more

Trickonometry Film Premiere

Trickonometry Film Premiere

On a sunny Saturday afternoon on the north side of Salt Lake, I pulled up to the Skate 4 Homies warehouse to the sight of more than 30 kids playing games of S-K-A-T-E and waiting for the doors to open for the premier of Technique skate shop’s 2011 skate film, Trickonometry. … read more

Junction City Train Wrecks vs. O-Town 25th Street Brawlers: A Game of Sevens

Junction City Train Wrecks vs. O-Town 25th Street Brawlers: A...

The Junction City Train Wrecks dominated this bout. Photos: Chris Bojanower … read more

Skate Sensei: Suggestions of a Sage

Skate Sensei: Suggestions of a Sage

It is my true will to guide you, my dear student, on a journey—a quest into the realm unbeknownst to the many—a path less tread. In realization of certain mystery, I must be careful to speak in clear, concise language free from elicit jargon and fancy-free phantasmagoria. The concepts I allege apply to mystical acts, known by the blind as skateboard tricks. Once we clear the cobwebs of confusion, the simplicity of skate mastery can be seen clearly. … read more

The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of SaltCycle

The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of SaltCycle

Neglected in dark closets, rusting alongside chain link fences and perhaps even torn apart and piled into boxes, the bicycles in this city have suffered a long, lonely winter as their owners set them aside. As cuffs slowly rise with the temperature, so do thoughts of smooth saddles, glistening cranks and spinning spokes. Like lovers reunited, the fair-weather cyclists mount their steeds and hit the salty streets in droves. Here to organize the enamored masses and spread the love is SaltCycle. … read more

Evryday: Saving the planet one pair of slacks at a time

Evryday: Saving the planet one pair of slacks at a...

Salt Lake has a thriving local community of motivated shakers and movers creating real change on the local level, and I’m proud to introduce a new crew to the fold—Ben Gustafson and Jared Smith, creators of Evryday. Evryday (ED for short) was spinning in the A.D.D.-riddled heads of Smith and Gustafson for years. On one fateful evening, a bell rang in one head as a light bulb went off in the other and it’s been a beautiful thing ever since. … read more

Conserving A Culture, Framing The Future: Skate 4 Homies

Conserving A Culture, Framing The Future: Skate 4 Homies

“I wanted to do something that was a collective good, to show kids that they can be good and do good things together and have good things happen,” says Todd Ingersoll, founder of Skate 4 Homies. It was a little over a year ago when Ingersoll had the idea to create a non-profit organization focused around the preservation of skateboarding through youth mentoring programs. “Really, what [Skate 4 Homies] is all about is giving back, doing the community a service.” … read more

Hilltop Aces vs. After Shocks

Hilltop Aces vs. After Shocks

The jammers of both teams were on each other’s heels and the pack was moving moderately, indicating the two teams of the Junction City Roller Dolls seemed well matched as the bout began. … read more

O-Town Derby Dames vs. Treasure Valley

O-Town Derby Dames vs. Treasure Valley

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