Shred Film: The Movement

Shred Film: The Movement

The sheer freedom that sliding down mountainsides covered in a thick blanket of snow provides is unparalleled. However, for those athletes born with disabilities or severely injured later in life, finding that release requires a lot more focus and determination. In The Movement, Directors Greg I. Hamilton and Kurt Miller take the viewer along an emotional road to recovery for several individuals that are overcoming their disabilities to achieve great things. Utah screenings: Nov. 3 @ The Depot and Nov. 5 @ Egyptian Theatre … read more

Shred Flicks

Shred Flicks

This year’s snow films have started to roll out, and we have reviews of All.I.Can, The Art of Flight, Defenders of Awesome/Ammo, Loyalty, The Ordinary Skier, Solitaire, Standing Sideways and Vacation. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla

Beautiful Godzilla

Instead of listening to my slow ass whine about boys and bicycles this month, you have the pleasure of reading my interview with one of Salt Lake’s most badass babes on a bicycle—scratch that—most badass HUMAN pedaling in the Rocky Mountain West: Jessica Gilmore. ’Nuf said. … read more

Ozzy Henning: Master of Style and Finesse

Ozzy Henning: Master of Style and Finesse

At Park City Mountain Resort, there’s one snowboarder that stands out from the rest, and his name is Ozzy Henning. Henning’s riding has been raising eyebrows around the Salt Lake Valley for nine years, both on a skateboard and a snowboard. Henning looks more at home on a board than he does on his own two feet, and that says a lot when one considers his extremely technical style. … read more

Let It Be.

Let It Be.

Josh Martinez has become one of the most dedicated and motivated skate filmers in Utah. His everyday mission is to get up early and stay out all day, filming. He has spots from Las Vegas to Reno and is never short of an idea on where to go. “I just like filming. I love making skateboarding films and working with people that want to skateboard and make something happen,” says Martinez.  It’s this type of determination that has lead to his third film, Let It Be. … read more

Boyz in the ‘Satch: The DubSatch Collective

Boyz in the ‘Satch: The DubSatch Collective

With the DubSatch Collective’s latest web videos, competition results and print coverage, the world is finally getting to see the latest talent that the Wasatch has cultivated. People have started to realize that these kids had the best lines, built the best jumps and appeared to be having the most fun. I was able to track these guys down and ask them some questions about SLC, the crew and what happens when you show you up to a film contest with no filmer. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: The New Woman

Beautiful Godzilla: The New Woman

I’ll be completely honest here and admit that I’d never heard of Annie Kopchovsky until a few weeks ago when I found out Salt Lake’s second ever women-only alleycat was in the works and dubbed the “Kopchovsky Cat.”  Guaranteed you’ve never heard of her either, and some of you are probably wondering what the fuck an alleycat is, too. I’ll get to that in a minute. … read more

Weekend Warriors

Weekend Warriors

By the time you read this article, school will be back in full swing. Just like all the grown-ups, all the teenagers and college students will be confined to weekend skateboard missions. Being a weekend warrior sounds like a severe loss of freedom, at least when you think about it during the relaxing summer months. However, fall often brings some of the best skateboarding. The best way to enjoy your free time is to have less of it. … read more

From the Ground Up: the Birth of  Grassroots Powdersurfing

From the Ground Up: the Birth of Grassroots Powdersurfing

Grassroots Powdersurfing is a company that produces bindingless snow tools. Not quite a snowboard, skateboard or surfboard, these products offer consumers an alternative that has a feel of it all. Similiar to a NoBoard or early Snurfer, these boards are used to surf the snow, but what makes these boards different is the lack of ropes or handles to help the board steer. … read more

Summer of Death: Roughside of the Trax II

Summer of Death: Roughside of the Trax II

On September 24, the Roughneck crew came out to Salt Lake City from their San Franciscan homeland once again for SLUG’s 2nd annual Summer of Death: Roughside of the Trax skate contest. Roughside of the Trax, the Salt Lake version of Roughneck Hardware’s BART Tour, takes skaters along our city’s Trax line to street spots in a contest format. … read more