Projekt 801 Skate & BMX Contest @ We Are One 04.13

Projekt 801 Skate & BMX Contest @ We Are One...

This past Saturday, April 13, Projekt 801 held their first-ever skate and BMX best trick contest at We Are One Skate Park. Projekt 801 is a non-profit organization supporting kids involved in action sports, which would otherwise not have the chance, to go to college.  … read more

Uinta Madness vs. Capital City Crushers 04.06

Uinta Madness vs. Capital City Crushers 04.06

The Depot was packed, fans of both teams filled the seats, ready to cheer on their respective teams. Our local boys of Uinta Madness, had a little score to settle with the Boise natives. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Take a Look, It’s In a Book

Beautiful Godzilla: Take a Look, It’s In a Book

It all began with the Bike Snob NYC blog. I was working as the door girl at Brewvies––which essentially meant I’d stare down my nose at kids my age and demand to see their IDs in between writing college papers––and picked up on reading the latest Bike Snob post during my shift. He was the main influence of this column, obviously, though I only chose “Beautiful Godzilla” as the title because “Feminist Bicycle Rants” was already taken by some anarchists in Brooklyn. … read more

Pounding the Pavement: A Day with Kwami Adzitso

Pounding the Pavement: A Day with Kwami Adzitso

Calm, cool and collected: That’s the best way to describe Kwami Adzitso. He’s a humble dude just looking to have the most fun he can, doing what he loves––and that is skateboarding. Kwami is the kind of kid who would get as hyped on nollie heel flipping a ten stair as he would on half cabbing a parking block. If it involves skating, Kwami is there, and chances are, he will be rifling off tricks one after another. … read more

Photo Feature: Brodie Penrod

Photo Feature: Brodie Penrod

By the time you read this, spring will be in full swing, the days will be longer and sunnier, and Utah’s coldest winter in recent history will be just a memory. However, this photo was taken Feb. 16. It was the first time temperatures had climbed to nearly 50 degrees in months. It was the first time Brodie had skated in two weeks, the first time this rail had ever been skated, and it was the first time he had done this trick on a round rail. … read more

2013 SLUG Games 2: Winter Wizardry Wickedness

2013 SLUG Games 2: Winter Wizardry Wickedness

It was well before sunrise on the morning of Saturday, March 16, when the SLUG crew met  embarked on their extensively planned journey into the Great White North. The nerds had taken their stand at Brighton and left triumphant. Their calculated maneuvers, however, were no match for the beast that The SLUG Games was about to unleash upon the realm of Snowbasin Resort for the first time in history. The beast would come to be known as Winter Wizardry Presented by Scion. … read more

March Mayhem

March Mayhem

Last Saturday night, I went to March Mayhem at the Muay Thai Institute and Fitness Center in Sugarhouse. I believe it was called March Mayhem because another sporting organization already has dibs on March Madness, and March Mess-Your-Face-Up wouldn’t fit on the flyer. Either way, local, amateur kickboxing does make for great entertainment on a Saturday night. … read more

Radical Reels World Tour @ Kingsbury Hall

Radical Reels World Tour @ Kingsbury Hall

The fast-paced and action-packed extension of the Banff Mountain Film Festival flew through SLC to close out February. Playing to a sold out crowd at the University of Utah’s Kingsbury Hall, Radical Reels showcased a variety of movies aimed at the heart of the adrenaline junkie. The Outdoor Recreation Program at the U has brought the film festival here for many years and is responsible for keeping the stoke levels at an all time high. Here are a few films that struck a chord. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Home Sweet Home

Beautiful Godzilla: Home Sweet Home

Every winter, but especially after a particularly wet one like this year, I promise myself it’ll be my last in Salt Lake. I really love this city––I just can’t handle pedaling or driving through all this extremity-numbing precipitation. What inevitably keeps me here is the fact that I can navigate my way around this godforsaken desert without Siri holding my hand. A city doesn’t become home until you can confidently give a stranger accurate directions to the nearest, local strip club. … read more

Bellator: the Gladiators of the 21st Century

Bellator: the Gladiators of the 21st Century

The crowd at the Maverick Center is on their feet, chanting “U-S-A” in unison, spotlights circle the room, and the tension is palpable. Then with a collective gasp and a wave of the referee’s hand, it’s all over. Countless hours, mentally and physically preparing for this fight and it’s over, two minutes and 45 seconds into the second round. Fighters, bull riders and Olympians recognize this fleeting moment when history claims the winners and the losers. In this case the winner is … … read more