Beehive Bike Polo Club @ Pioneer Park

Beehive Bike Polo Club @ Pioneer Park

Last year, Beehive Bike Polo applied for a grant from Utah’s ZAP (Zoo, Arts and Parks) program. Approved for $25,000, the Beehive Bike Polo Club awaits the finalization of the grant to claim a space, transform an existing tennis court, compile gear and start a youth bike polo club in Glendale. … read more

BMX Photo Feature: Tim Thomson

BMX Photo Feature: Tim Thomson

Tim Thompson – Classic One-Handed Table – Tanner Park, SLC, Utah … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Thaynan Costa

Skate Photo Feature: Thaynan Costa

Thaynan Costa – Backslide Lipslide, Backslide Tailslide – MACBA, Barcelona, Spain … read more

BMX Photo Feature: Thor Yamamoto

BMX Photo Feature: Thor Yamamoto

Even though Thor Yamamoto isn’t doing a hard trick in this photo, his style and attitude shine through and speak for themselves. Kids like Thor are a big part of why I stay heavily involved in BMX. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Jake Flood

Skate Photo Feature: Jake Flood

Growing up in small town Utah, we had a lot of “almost spots”—skateboard spots that had one thing wrong with it that made it impossible to skate, or spots that none of us were good enough to skate. This spot in the Avenues is one of those spots. Several skaters tried this boardslide this day, but Jake Flood was the first to roll away from the snake. … read more

The 5th Annual SLUG Cat Presented By The Gateway and New Belgium Brewing

The 5th Annual SLUG Cat Presented By The Gateway and...

On May 20, a sunny spring Saturday afternoon, urban cyclists and onlookers gathered at the fountain of The Gateway to sign up and line up for the 5th Annual SLUG Cat alleycat race. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Jordan Vigil

Skate Photo Feature: Jordan Vigil

I don’t really know Jordan Vigil at all. My impression: He doesn’t say a lot, but rather, he lets his skating do the talking. … read more

GREENbike for Clean Air: SLC’s Bike-share Program

GREENbike for Clean Air: SLC’s Bike-share Program

GREENbike provides bicycles parked at stations located around the city that can be rented, ridden to another station and dropped off. … read more

Reynolds Cycling – Building Momentum: A Look at Four Local Bicycle Craftsmen

Reynolds Cycling – Building Momentum: A Look at Four Local...

Visit Reynolds Cycling for amazing, technologically advanced bike equipment with quality service for local athletes to everyday cycling aficionados. … read more

The Provo Bicycle Collective Rolls On

The Provo Bicycle Collective Rolls On

The Provo Bicycle Collective has progressed as a social-melting-pot bike shop. By 2016, that social melting had already flooded out of the old space—Provo Bicycle Collective’s donation stream had been heavy and caused them to expand into a great new space more than twice the capacity for the good of two-wheeled change. … read more