The Old Man & the Ski: Tanner Hall’s 21st B-Day & Video Premiere Party

The Old Man & the Ski: Tanner Hall’s 21st B-Day...

This past October marked the celebration of one of freeskiing’s most renowned personalities, Tanner Hall. After dominating the competition and movie scene for the last five years, the young superstar finally hit the ripe old age of 21. … read more

Hellbent for Hellrose

Hellbent for Hellrose

From the ashes of Hollywood Skateboards, fronted by Chris Markovich, comes the team that DJ calls a ” force to be reckoned with”- Hellrose Skateboards. [DJ Chavez]Syndrome Distribution, once known for cookie-cutter-type skateboard companies (Status, DNA) is taking a chance with this band of “dirt bags.” The company has been looking for a hesh brand

Bubblegum & Burton?: The Romain DeMarchi interview

Bubblegum & Burton?: The Romain DeMarchi interview

Burton Snowboards was recently in town premiering their new DVD, The Process 3. To promote this, some of the riders would be in town to do an autograph session at the Gateway before the premiere. I got to go have a beer with one of the riders, Romain DeMarchi. It would be the second visit of this kind to Utah. … read more

Katchup – November 2004

Katchup – November 2004

I thought I would have time to tell you all about tentative opening dates, but most of the time they are wrong, based on early snowfalls (like this year) or warm fronts. I will say that Brighton Ski Resort is OPEN for business (earliest in 15 years) with a new and improved Terrain Park as well as a new Majestic Quad. Can I get a hell yeah?!  … read more

The Family that Skates Together Stays Together

The Family that Skates Together Stays Together

I fell asleep to Schoolhouse Rocks the other night; Maybe Kim Bowerbank should get her son a copy so he can sit in front of the TV instead of annoying the neighbors with his damn skateboard. [Tyson]For those familiar with the Hanger 18/Marine Products ramp, it is now in the Bowerbank’s backyard (e-mail me for

Zen & the Art of Skateboarding

Zen & the Art of Skateboarding

“With a calm, silent, hidden smile not unlike a healthy child’s, the Buddha walked, wearing the cloak and setting his feet down like all his monks, according to a precise regulation.” – Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha. In every community, every walk of life, every art form, there is a motivated soul, always one step ahead in action

Katchup – September 2004

Katchup – September 2004

Here’s your Katchup for September! Peep the pic of the Red Bull Inland Wake Skate Session held on Aug. 30th at the Gallivan Center. Kampus team rider Clint Tompkins slides up a wet, slippery piece of lumber while a couple of hotties check out his…mad steez. Fellow riders Lief Erkkila and champ Phillip Bassino were

Katchup – August 2004

Katchup – August 2004

“We look forward to a national debate on the merits of what we have recommended, and we will participate vigorously in that debate.” –The 9/11 Commission Report Political agendas these days are selling faster than 25-cent lemonade from future entrepreneurs. Everyday, everywhere, we are engulfed by politiks (“tell me your politik and open up your

He’s Got a Fake Leg and He Knows How to Use It

He’s Got a Fake Leg and He Knows How to...

The morning of the Warped Tour, I woke up in bed being handed a nice hot cup of coffee by my girlfriend. This was pretty strange to me. I say this because more often than not, “Thanks for the coffee darling,” isn’t being uttered when I wake up, but something closer to, “Who are you?

Unfairmont Park

Unfairmont Park

The University of Utah and Sugarhouse areas of the Salt Lake Valley were somehow overlooked in the wave of new public skate parks that swept through Utah in the past two years. … read more