From light and dry to tart and fruity to hop bombs, we’ve got your summer sippin’ situation well in hand.
June 2015 Beer Reviews
Beer Reviews

It seems like we got a rare mega spring this year, due to our lack of a proper winter. Because of this wimpy weather, it seems like the spring seasonal beers have been around forever, making our new summertime beers less unique. Well, this month’s beer selections are definitely summery in every sense. From light and dry to tart and fruity to hop bombs, we’ve got your summer sippin’ situation well in hand.
Birthday Suit: Sour Plum Abbey Ale
Brewery/Brand: Uinta Brewing Co.
ABV: 7.6%
Serving Style: 750 ml corked and caged bottle
This sour ale pours a brilliantly clear, light-apricot color with a tinge of pink, probably from the plum. The head is nice and white, which quickly fades to nothing. The nose is acidic with some oak and fruit notes. Spicy yeast is also present in the back. The taste starts with tart plum right off the bat. Nice lemon notes from the base beer are also present. The phenolic spices from the Belgian yeast come next, adding a bit more depth, complementing the plum flavors. The end is spicy and sour with a nice dry finish.
Overview: I thought the plum would take on a more medicinal flavor paired with the Abbey yeast strain, but it doesn’t at all. This is a nice, dry, fruity, sour ale that has more dimensions than a typical sour mash beer.
Goose IPA
Brewery/Brand: Goose Island Brewing Co.
ABV: 5.9%
Serving Style: 12 oz. bottle / draft
This beer pours a clear-golden honey color with a big, sudsy head that has great staying power. The nose has nice grapefruit-peel aromas along with orange and pine. Sweet malt is barely present beneath the hops. The taste starts with a light-malty base that quickly transitions to grassy and citrusy hop flavors. Some honey notes round out the back end, but for the most part, this ale finishes fairly dry like an American IPA should.
Overview: This is a session IPA, so its malt profile will be on the lighter side. I should also point out that this IPA should not to be confused with Goose Island’s “Goose Island IPA”—this is “Goose IPA,” a very different and unique offering.
Patio Pilsner
Brewery/Brand: Roosters Brewing Co.
ABV: 4.0%
Serving Style: 500 ml bottle / draft
This offering from Roosters has been around for quite some time, but it has now been given a new life and packaging. I thought it might be useful to take another look at this lager. It pours a clear-golden color with a medium and creamy head that lasts for quite some time. The nose is bright with toast, apricot, grass and spicy European hops. The taste starts with lightly toasted malts. There are also some berry notes as well. Honey and grass come next, with a smack of spicy Czech hops rounding out the malt sweetness. The end is slightly sweet with a hint of buttery malts. The finish has a slightly sulfuric bite.
Overview: This is a nice drinking pilsner. It kinda reminds me of a pre-Prohibition lager with its mineral profile. You’ll find this on tap at Roosters’ Ogden and Layton locations and in bottles at select grocery stores.
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