Authors: William Athey

Record Review: February 1993
Pretend everything is fine, life in Utah is beautiful, unlike Georgia, where the Vigilantes of Love live. … read more

Record Reviews: December 1992
I’d call MILK the spawn of a plural marriage between heavy metal, free jazz, avante-garde and hardcore punk and I’ll jump on for the ride. … read more

Concert Reviews: December 1992
Outspoken Mouthbreather Mayberry October – Club Starrz Sex, drugs and rock & roll began the evening. Mouthbreather wasn’t exactly what you would call the right kind of band for the night, but, definitely the high point. What you need to do is drink a sixer of PBR, stumble in the door and come do the

Record Review: October 1992
Jarboe’s Thirteen Masks is the latest release from SKY Records. Jarboe is the keyboard player and second vocalist for Swans. … read more