Authors: Weston Colton
Photo Feature: Dyllan Call
I first met Dyllan Call when I was working at Blindside in 2006. He was a skinny, 15-year-old kid who was quickly becoming one of Utah County’s top all-terrain shredders. He skated everything with style and speed, and always had a smile on his face. Fast-forward to 2012: Call is 21 now, he’s 6’3” and grows a better beard than I ever will. … read more
Photo Feature: Devin York
How many times have you driven past this brick bank-to-rail and thought, “It would be rad if you could skate that”? Then all the reasons not to skate it come to mind: the curb, the bricks, the road it sits on, the height of the rail. Spots aren’t perfect. This is street skating. … read more

Photo Feature: Mike Murdock
What I said before about going out with a real tight plan to get a photo––that doesn’t always work. Sometimes, after an exhausting hour of trying the planned trick, you decide to move on and try something else. Sometimes you strike gold and end up with something better than the plan. Mike Murdock struck gold at this barely skateable bump. … read more

Photo Feature: Jon Hart
In rural Utah, where I grew up, winter meant a nearly three month skating hiatus. There were no parking garages or indoor ramps to skate. We would just hope the church parking lot dried up enough to pull out our flat bars and boxes, and we’d skate the snow gaps. Shoveling a spot to skate in sub-freezing weather shows dedication, and Bolts of Thunder founder Jon Hart is one of the most dedicated people I know. … read more
Photo Feature: Brodie Penrod
By the time you read this, spring will be in full swing, the days will be longer and sunnier, and Utah’s coldest winter in recent history will be just a memory. However, this photo was taken Feb. 16. It was the first time temperatures had climbed to nearly 50 degrees in months. It was the first time Brodie had skated in two weeks, the first time this rail had ever been skated, and it was the first time he had done this trick on a round rail. … read more
Forrest Does Downtown
For this article, Forrest Huber, Jovi Bathemess, Sam Milianta, Gabe Dusserre and I met up near the library Downtown. The friendly dynamic and atmosphere that was created helped some of these tricks come to life. These photos were all shot on two Saturdays in downtown Salt Lake City. We didn’t get all the photos we wanted to––sometimes a spot gets the best of you, sometimes you get kicked out before you even get a chance to skate––but we had fun, and that is all that really matters.
… read more
Skate Photo Feature: Gabe Dussurre
Somehow, in all my years in and around the Utah skate scene, I had never met or even heard of Gabe Dussurre until a few months ago. Apparently, not only has he been around a long time, but he’s also been really good at skating for a long time. I had no idea. … read more
Skate Photo Feature: Danny Souk
It had been five years since I shot a photo with Danny Souk. Thanks to the miracle of Instagram, I was able to see that he was skating Downtown by himself at the same time I was. A quick comment later, and we were looking for spots with enough light to skate. Social media is useful (sometimes). … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Oliver Buchanan
The IBM stairs are big. I have wanted to shoot with someone here for a long time, and who better to skate these stairs than Oliver? … read more