Authors: Thomas Winkley

Review: G.I. Joe: The IDW Collection
G.I. Joe is an institution for any young woman who came up through the ‘80s. This fifth volume collection adds a new layer onto the fabled history of the Joes and gives us something to get the kids to grow their comic reading obsession. … read more

Review: Intersect: Vol 1. Metamorph
It isn’t often that a comic intrigues and confuses simultaneously, but the first six issues of Intersect collected into a trade have done just that. The wispy and colorful art style is supported with the fragmented story as you watch the battle between two lovers entwined in the same body. … read more

Review: MPH
Throw anything you know about science out the window and this book becomes instantly loveable. When an inmate finally caves to drugs and ends up with a batch of a mystery pill that provides super speed, he and his friends go on a crime spree to get vengeance on America’s 1 percent. … read more

Review: Southern Bastards – Volume 2
Southern Bastards – Volume 2: Guardians Writer: Jason Aaron Artist: Jason Latour Image Comics Street: 05.19 I didn’t realize that compelling stories could be written about football, and I’ll say it for all of us: Southern Bastards has as much to do with football as The Walking Dead has to do with zombies. Football, like

Review: Superannuated Man
Beginning a review with WTF did I just read is probably as cliche’ as the post-apocalyptic story you’ll think you’re getting yourself into. Ted McKeever tells a chaotic tell of the last man on earth surviving in a world full of mutated animals that have taken over. … read more

Review: Thomas Alsop: The Hand of the Island Vol. 1
If you could be a rockstar gone web-series celebrity due to your incredible talent to fight the supernatural wouldn’t you? This book while loaded with supernatural tropes is still a fun ride through a group of friends shenanigans, truthfully coming back to haunt them. … read more

Review: The Charnel House Trilogy
The Charnel House Trilogy Owl Cave Games/Mastertronic Reviewed on: PC Street: 04.16 The Charnel House Trilogy combines classic point-and-click to guide you through three 8-bit horror stories. Inhale, Sepulchre and Exhale are all independent, yet they depend on each other to succeed. Luckily, the beautiful execution of the three, when played in order, guides you

Review: The Evil Within: The Consequence
While The Assignment set a dark tone for Juli and added some creep-enhancing backstory to The Evil Within, its final DLC pack, The Consequence, really drives home just how screwed up the world is. … read more

Review: Drifter: Out of the Night Volume 1
This comic is the best mashup of sci-fi and western that I’ve read to date. Not only does the book guide you through large amounts of western tropes, but it has gorgeously drab art that fits the tone perfectly. … read more

Review: Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy
Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy can only be defined as a niche game. The game has solid mechanics, an interesting enough story and decent visuals that really are going to be enjoyed by a specific demographic. … read more