Rediscovering Your Passion: An Interview with Egan Wint

Rediscovering Your Passion: An Interview with Egan Wint

The relaxed vibe and community of Salt Lake City’s snowboarding scene reignited Egan Wint’s love for the sport. … read more

Film Review: Stories for my Children’s Children: Lessons from the Holocaust

Film Review: Stories for my Children’s Children: Lessons from the...

Like the treasured photographs of her parents, hopefully this film is something shell be able to pass down to her children’s children for generations to come. … read more

Damn These Heels! Film Review: Kokomo City

Damn These Heels! Film Review: Kokomo City

Kokomo City’s closing shot sets the hope for a better future, one where trans people and their bodies are celebrated and accepted, free of fetishization. … read more

Damn These Heels! Film Review: 1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted Culture

Damn These Heels! Film Review: 1946: The Mistranslation That Shifted...

1946 is generally compelling, but it may be difficult for some non-Christian viewers to connect with the film’s scripture-heavy premise. … read more

Sundance in The Summer: Local Lens with Basil Tsiokos

Sundance in The Summer: Local Lens with Basil Tsiokos

Sundance’s Local Lens event is an opportunity for Utahns to see films outside of the typical festival schedule and on a smaller scale. … read more

Film Review: Abled

Film Review: Abled

In spite of Abled’s narrative struggles, Blake Leeper’s story is one well worth telling, especially in a time where competitions are growing more exclusive … read more

Film Review: Fast X

Film Review: Fast X

Fast X can’t help but feel like a transitional moment, setting up the pieces for things to come. … read more

Film Review: Between Sins

Film Review: Between Sins

Between Sins is a powerful, confident feature debut from Miller, held aloft by its clear vision, powerful performances and heartfelt execution. … read more

Film Review: The Park

Film Review: The Park

The Park doesn’t seem to know its target audience. It’s too violent and profane to be for kids but not dark or gory enough for typical adult-genre enthusiasts. … read more

Film Review: Magic Mike’s Last Dance

Film Review: Magic Mike’s Last Dance

Whether the “magic” in Magic Mike’s Last Dance is in the dance or in the filmmaking, it ultimately doesn’t matter, because its presence is undeniable. … read more