Latimer: March 1995

Latimer: March 1995

Latimer equals sound. Latimer is a big sound that is manipulated and layered. Four guys from Philadelphia that happen to be loud as hell. … read more

Interview: Shudder To Think

Interview: Shudder To Think

Shudder To Think’s lead singer Craig Wedren, took some time out of a sound check on a balmy September afternoon in front of Playscool to answer a few questions. The traffic overhead was loud, the atmosphere casual and content; relaxed, much like Wedren’s demeanor. It was a great day.  … read more

Concert Reviews: October 1994

Concert Reviews: October 1994

OK, straight up. This was one of the best live shows I’ve seen all year, no bullshit. … read more

Interview: Helmet

Interview: Helmet

On Saturday, August 6, Sausage, Helmet and Rollins Band demolition team rolled through Zion. If you were there you came, you saw, you got your ass kicked. Needless to say, if you weren’t there, you missed an incredibly intense show and you are a loser. I had the opportunity to interview Page Hamilton, the lead