Local Reviews: MAD MAX

Local Reviews: MAD MAX

A hip hop record that uses all-live instrumentals usually falls to one end of the spectrum: either really awesome or really bad. Combinations of rock music and hip hop are even less reliable—certain elements of live rock seem to clash with some of the other components of hip hop, like clear vocal delivery and danceable rhythm.  … read more

Local Reviews: Israel West

Local Reviews: Israel West

My only real complaint with this album by local hip hop artist Israel West is how hard the vocals are to hear on some of the best songs.  They often sound like they were recorded in a shower, or from down a hallway and the beats totally overwhelm them. … read more

Local Reviews: Veggie Stew

Local Reviews: Veggie Stew

Nü-metal meets butt rock on this thankfully short EP from Veggie Stew.  Crunchy power chords and standard drums play under juvenile raps about partying and ego.  The clichés abound here, so don’t be surprised when you hear the rhyming of “Bacardi” with “party” or lines like “I’m a terror when I flow” from the lead singer.  … read more

Local Reviews: Atheist

Local Reviews: Atheist

I was blown away by this release, straight up. It has everything I love in a hip hop record: rich and dusty beats from classic source material, tight verses by the main emcee and more than a few collaborations.  … read more

Local Reviews: DJ Shanty

Local Reviews: DJ Shanty

The master of the turntables for local hip hop legends The Numbs has not been idle since 2011’s Soulburn release. The production of Megatherium, an instrumental beat album, is halfway between classic video games, breakbeats and world music with buzzed-out bass behind tight snare and rich woodblock and tom drum hits.  … read more

Local Reviews: Parlor Trix

Local Reviews: Parlor Trix

This four-piece rap outfit from Salt Lake is ambitious—they acknowledge they are less about the hooks and more about lyricism. This release finds three MCs trading verses over beats by DJ Drix.While the energy and devotion to hip hop culture are evident, it’s hard to see at first what sets these guys apart, aside from being local.  … read more

Local Reviews: Dusk Raps

Local Reviews: Dusk Raps

Throw Away The Key is the new full-length solo release from local hip hop mainstay Dusk One. Having been a member of MindState and collaborated on several shorter releases with Fisch Loops, amongst other projects, Dusk has been defining the scene—it was only a matter of time before he branched out of state and made his presence felt nationally.  … read more

Local Review: Linus Stubbs

Local Review: Linus Stubbs

Having heard more of Stubbs’ work with collaborators like The Numbs, it could be easy to typecast him as a standard hip hop producer, more concerned with fat bass and recognizable samples than expressive music. … read more

Doomtree @ Kilby Court

Doomtree @ Kilby Court

Way before even getting to the venue, people were warning me that Doomtree, the Minneapolis DIY hip hop collective, would be playing without their most famous member. I wasn’t worried. … read more

The Great American Beer Fest

The Great American Beer Fest

Imagine the funnest, awesomest, most craziest playground ever.  Got it? Now imagine that instead of sand on the ground, there’s concrete.  Not very safe, but probably a lot better than sand because all the stuff to play with in this playground has to do with drinking beer.  … read more