Authors: Princess Kennedy
Princess Kennedy: Tatt-Ew
One of the things that I hear the most from my out-of-town guests is how amazed they are by the sheer number of tattooed people in the 801. We all know that the number of tattoo parlors alone is overwhelming, but I think we live in such an inked-up community that we don’t really notice. I think one of the reasons for all the body art is simply the determination of a good 80% of us to make sure people know we are not Mormon—at least, that was the case for me. … read more

Princess Kennedy: He-She Love Connections
“Once, when I was on Jerry Springer …”
I love starting sentences like that—it always gets people’s attention, but alas, it’s true. When I was 29, some friends of mine had made up a tawdry story about a fucked-up love triangle and pitched it to the show. It was good enough to get us on a whirlwind trip to Chi-town where it was filmed, and, let me tell you, it was as unglamorous as you would probably imagine. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Brigham Young’s Tranimal Son?
Brigham Young had a tranimal son? Yeah, you totally read that right. I heard a rumor that Brigham Young, the HBIC back in the day, allegedly had a son who donned a dress and matching falsetto voice. “What’s that?” I ask myself. “Could it be true that mine is not the only Mormon family with dirty secrets?” Imagine! … read more

Princess Kennedy: The Great Wig-Out of 2013
Cleopatra had hers dyed with saffron, the ancient Romans made them for their statues, Baroque times dictated men wear them, and women adorned them with the most preposterous scenes. Pastiche, peruke, rug, weave, periwig or toupee: Welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of wigs! … read more

Princess Kennedy: Inversion Intervension
My dearest SLUG readers, I fear this could be my last column, as I am writing from my deathbed. I feel like I’m dying from slowly being poisoned by our past two months of The Inversion. March has finally arrived and with it comes a cleaner, clearer city, but the pollution still lingers in my body––I can feel it! I don’t know about you, but I seem to always forget about it during the 10-month period we’re Inversion-free. I have no doubt the effects linger long after. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Let’s Go Eat Me
For our issue of all things podcast, I searched high and low to find one that actually appealed to me. It came from one-third of the Radio From Hell trio on X96, Bill Allred. He hosts The Let’s Go Eat Show, a weekly podcast that features interviews with people from the community that you likely know, or have at least heard of. Bill uses an intimate restaurant setting to sit and chat with his date, getting his subject relaxed, comfortable and even a little liquored. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Dear Diary
Very recently, during a spring-cleaning fury, I was reorganizing the bookshelf and came across an old journal. It wasn’t any old journal, but the log I kept when I was 23 and did a study abroad in Paris. … read more
Princess Kennedy: The Wise-Tran Cometh
Starting this month through January, the UMFA is featuring the photographic work and video performance art of Samoan-born artist Shigeyuki Kihara, aka Yuki. … read more
Princess Kennedy: The Craft
One thing that is certainly not unique to Utah yet is an area we excel in, is the gift of arts and crafts. We’re steeped in the talents of furniture making, sewing, stitching, jewelry—you name it, we have a friend who does it. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Fierce Realness
Here is my hope for my fellow revelers/readers: This year at Pride, be your fiercely real self. I’m shouting out to everyone—gay, straight, whatever—Gay Pride is not only a celebration for us to be us, but for you to be you in your most real self. … read more