Authors: Princess Kennedy
Princess Kennedy: Clan Kennedy – April 2010
I spend so much time hogging the spotlight that I feel it’s necessary to share a little secret: I’m not the only Kennedy in town. I inhabit this geographical stage with two other bright and shining stars. If you’re out enough you probably know my niece and nephew Anna and Wren Kennedy. We’re all extremely tall, very loud and bestowed with beautiful bedroom eyes. Our clansmen being musically gifted, Wren and Anna are working it out to take my torch and make us the Osmonds of punk. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Herstory Lesson – May 2010
The gayest of homo-holidays is here! Since part of this year’s theme for Gay Pride is “remembering our past,” I thought this would be a perfect time to talk about mine. No, not my drug-addled past that you get every other month, but the past of my people, if you will. I remember seeing Vicki Marlane around. She was an older queen, 76 to date, and ran in a different circle, so I never took the time to get to know her story, but what a story it is. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Drinking Liberally – June 2010
For the beer issue, I decided I would check out one of the many ‘with drinks’ groups in town. No Green Drinks—cause hippies make me vomit in my mouth—Vegan Drinks I’ve been to, and Writers with Drinks is tired and affected. After careful consideration, I thought I’d dust off my red skirt suit and take a chance with Drinking Liberally. Drinking Liberally is a national organization that meets in pubs ‘cross America to talk and drink over the hot button issues of the current state of affairs. The Salt Lake group meets bi-monthly at Piper Down. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Dr. Princess of Avondale
On Easter, my friend DJ JORY, who just moved to town from San Francisco, introduced me to his friend Dennis Reynolds. Reynolds and his friend Robin Ballard are the creators of a homemade soap opera called Avondale. My interest was sparked when Reynolds told me they were interested in having me appear in an episode—even more so when I was told that they filmed Avondale in the Pleasure Palace. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Tour Up Girl
When I say “tore up girl,” I’m assuming that you speak homosexual. In case you don’t, being tore up is when one tells someone else how they looked, or more appropriately how they acted the night before. “Girl, you were TORE UP,” (i.e. you were drunk last night). “Girl, I got tore up last night,” (i.e. fucked—either literally, by a drug deal gone bad or beaten up). “Girl, stop shopping at the DI, you look tore up,” (i.e. cheap and/or disheveled). Essentially, if you’re a mess in any way, you can replace the adjective with “tore up.” … read more
Princess Kennedy: Theater Dahling
The one outlet I cannot seem to break into in SLC is the theater. I was hoping to fill this niche in my life this summer when I received an offer to audition for a show called The Great American Trailer Park Musical that is happening at the Egyptian Theater this fall. I was going to try out for the roles of either the stripper with a past or the fading beauty who was agoraphobic and obsessed with the Ice Capades. I could have played both of these from life experience alone. … read more
Kitty Kennedy
You can just imagine my sheer elation when I got a call from one of my good friends Dia Diabolique telling me I was being made an honorary Slippery Kitten for their Halloween show on October 23 at Bar Deluxe.In case you have been living under a rock, the Slippery Kittens are SLC’s premier burlesque troupe. Started by the glamorously fabulous Lorrie Dohoney (aka Miss Lorrie Ann), the Slippery Kittens features some of the hottest talent this side of the Mississippi.
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Princess Kennedy: You’re So Busted
I often find myself wondering if any of my neighbors or friends are convicted felons, rapists, druggies and/or thieves. If only there was some publication that could tell me that I hadn’t heard from Dick or Jane because they were arrested for public intox … If I had children, I would want to know if Mr. Doe, their teacher, was arrested for aggravated sexual abuse of a child. My God, it’s our lucky day, because there is such a magazine and you can find it for only a buck at over 200 locations from Provo to Ogden! … read more
Princess Kennedy: A KRCL Christmas
All I want for kwanzukka is my own fucking radio show on KRCL. I have a feeling that I am one of at least a hundred douchebags to send off such a request. I’m sure that in the talentless pool, few stand out who would make awesome on-air contributions. What I’m finding in the close relationship I’ve been forging with the home-spun station, is that it’s what’s on the inside of the future hopeful and what he or she can contribute that is going to matter. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Tranadu
How does one go about defining the glory that is Xanadu? It came out when I was about 10-years-old—a time in history when roller rinks replaced discothèques and leg warmers were the height of fashion. Xanadu captured the effects of Tron, the moves of Flash Dance and completely bastardized the late ‘70s punk scene of London with a soundtrack of Olivia Newton-John, the Bee Gees and ELO—cutting-edge electronic musicians at the time. … read more