Authors: Princess Kennedy

Princess Kennedy’s Trantastic Guide to Being Gay Trash – May...
I’m here with a guide to get your gay on. From lingo to parties, I got your back gurl—You’ll need to do a little research. Luckily you have an entire month until Gay Pride. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Froot Beer – June 2009
I’ve never lived in a place that holds beer in such a high regard as the 801. Even my own family was the bootleggin’, hooch makin’ kind. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Boys Suck! – July 2009
It seems like an entire decade since I sat down at the computer to write my last article. I’m actually surprised I haven’t suffered some kind of alcohol-related syndrome from my traveling to pride festivals around the country. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Holy Craft!
While I was hanging out with Bea Dazzler (this super fierce RGDQ/designer), I coaxed her into helping me patch a pair of my favorite skinny jeans. While I sat crafting my pants back together, I realized how much I missed sitting around a good old-fashioned stitch and bitch with my girlfriends.
… read more

The Princess and the Pro
People constantly ask me how I keep my lithe stature and showgirl calfs. My answer is as simple as my regimen: a mix of bicycling with light jazz-handing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m an avid cyclist 365 days. Like, haven’t-owned-a-car-in-15 years, rode-my-bike-across-Europe-twice kind of enthusiast. … read more

Dot Your I’s, Cross Your Ties
It’s really not surprising that Sister Dottie S. Dixon’s persona outgrew her three minute weekly segments on KRCL. She needed her own stage show—One that could deliver a more positive message than say… Brokeback Mountain, which in the end shows if you’re gay, you’re going to get fag-bashed and live in a trailer for the rest of your life. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Big Tranny, Small Town
My tale this month comes from unexplored territory. I traveled up the canyon Sardine to discover the treasure town that’s Salt Lake’s gateway to the north, a hidden gem called Logan. Jaded by big city life, I opened my mind up to whether or not I could live there. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Christmas Sweater – December 2009
The sacred story of how Princess Kennedy saved Christmas from the evil hand of a bad French designer may be shared this holiday season. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Sober Sister Part 1 – January 2010
One thing you’ll quickly learn about the Princess Kennedy is that I wear my life on my Dolman sleeve. Since I’m so honest, it really gets my tucker bunched when judgmental people come in and twist others and my business into completely untrue stories. I feel it necessary to pass on a tale of one friend’s fight for sobriety, to share just a little of what someone might go through in a struggle to simply stay alive. … read more
Princess Kennedy: Sober Sister Part 2 – March 2010
When we last left off I was embarking on a thirty-day sobriety plan in honor of my besty, Gorgeous Jared. It was a great way to learn which of my friends actually read my column. The ones that asked me (almost with joy) if my club soda was actually vodka and the ones that were confused as to why I wasn’t drinking. All in all there are a lot of folks in SLC that monitor my party habits. You’re all dying to know how it went, aren’t you? I fucked up three times. … read more